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Love & Relationship

Alpha Males And Females Exist In Animals. Why Not In Humans?




Alpha Female

“Don’t get married. You are an “ALPHA” in the head!” – Advice that I received from one of my mentors. A casual statement that got me thinking – “What the heck does that mean?”

“I already had some problems sustaining or getting into relationships. Does being an “Alpha” have anything to do with that?”

I had often heard “ALPHA” relating to animals and mainly the leader of the pack. Someone who is too dominant and has achieved the status by challenging the others and fending for themselves. Only when you have proved your capabilities and power can others see your supremacy and choose to accept you as a leader.

So how does this apply to humans? What is the first thing that comes to your mind – when I say “ALPHA”? Most probably, a MALE who has achieved something or is an iconic figure in society. How many times have you conjured up an image of a female? Very few. Also, the image that you conjure up is probably a male who is brimming with confidence and has access to a lot of power and money. Also, uncanny oozing of testosterone, making them attractive to females. Females like bad men, don’t they?

On the other end, if we talk about the female alpha most of the time, she would be considered unapproachable, have many attitudes, and even consider egoistic.

Let’s now try and understand what I have understood and why this difference. Being an Indian, I can talk about this from an Indian perspective, though I am pretty much sure that most of it apply everywhere also.

In our society, we are trained from childhood to accept that the male members of the family are the bread-earners and they are KINGS for the house or if I have to say, the ALPHAs of the house. So what makes them ALPHAs is –

  • They are allowed to do whatever they want.
  • They are always supported, no matter right or wrong.
  • Even things go wrong; they are not accused or held responsible.
  • Their actions and choices are never questioned.

So, no matter what he does, he is the KING. What does this result? A lot of SELF-CONFIDENCE. So if I have to see the ALPHA MENTALITY is instilled in their minds unintentionally at a very early age. Hence it’s not even surprising when males dominate most of the top positions across the world. Males in our society grow up, believing that they are INVINCIBLE.

Now let’s look at the females on the other hand. Most of the time, the way females are brought up is precisely the opposite of males and add to that, the females have the primary task of giving birth and taking care of the child(ren). Females in India are brought up with the mentality that they are never to question a men’s authority or give it back to him, even in the form of a joke. Even right at a young age, females are trained never to question the fathers or the brothers or any male of the house. Whatever they tell you has to be followed till the “T,” without any retort.

We are taught that we will need to quit our jobs and take on household activities and bring up the children. We even see our mothers and not the fathers being blamed in case of any “inappropriate” behavior. It is considered a mother’s job to bring up the children to be well-mannered and presentable.

Right from the clothes we wear to the decisions we make, everything about a female’s choices is questioned. Even in rape, it is always the female who is blamed and treated as if she has committed a crime.

What does it tell us? Right from birth, the female is taught to be submissive—most of the time from the older females in the family and then by society. The outcome? Females LACK SELF-CONFIDENCE – the critical ingredient that is responsible for the ALPHA MENTALITY. And most of the time, you will often find females pulling other females down. Like they say,

When people can’t rise to your level, they will pull you down to theirs; so that they can win.

And this is what happens; you are always judged and criticized all the time. And the worst at times, even abandoned by your friends and family.

Humans are said to be social beings, and the fear of not being accepted by society stops us from reaching our maximum potentials. We want to be continuously liked by the people around us, which forces us to do what others, please. So the ALPHA FEMALE is now suppressed till that quality no longer exists in her. Instead, she has now succumbed to the way that society wants her to behave.

So do alpha females exist? YES. There are always exceptions to every case. Some families don’t consider females need to be brought up any less than males and are brought up in the same way as the other males in the family. Other than that, there are specific scenarios where a female faces a difficult situation and succeeds all by herself, and understands what SELF-CONFIDENCE is. When she repeatedly undergoes this process of taking on something and achieving success, her level of self-confidence changes, and the ALPHA MENTALITY starts to get taught.


Once a female understands her worth, she becomes an ALPHA.

Simple? However, this is not where her battles end. Not all males can handle an ALPHA FEMALE. And often, you will find that ALPHA FEMALES have difficulties getting into or sustaining relationships. Once again, society begins to nag that you need to get MARRIED and SETTLED. So the alpha female is again made to submit and give in to the demands of society. There are very few females that manage to break out and STAY ALPHA.

Let’s end this by saying YES. I AM AN ALPHA FEMALE and a PROUD ONE. Was I an alpha from birth? No. I wasn’t. Like every other female, I was submissive and a complete people pleaser. I never knew that a word called “self-confidence” even existed.

How did I change? It sometimes takes a storm for us to realize our worth and a storm is what it took.

  • I learned the meaning of self-confidence.
  • I love trying new things, and learning is a way of life.
  • Many small wins made me realize my capabilities.
  • I took the onus for all my decisions.
  • I learned and practiced self-worth.

In short, to say today when I sit across the table, I know what I bring to the table. I am proud of myself.

So, finally, if you connect with this and feel that you are an ALPHA too –


About the author


I am Sheetal Makhija aka Crazy Pulchritude, as most of the handles say. Currently, a trainer and a Kriya Yoga Practitioner and personally on a mission to be able to add values to people’s lives and just tell everyone out there that “No matter how hard it gets there is always hope. You don’t have to give up.” My mission and motto in life remain – Even if I can give hope to people, my life has been a success.

I am Sheetal Makhija aka Crazy Pulchritude, as most of the handles say. Currently, a trainer and a Kriya Yoga Practitioner and personally on a mission to be able to add values to people’s lives and just tell everyone out there that “No matter how hard it gets there is always hope. You don’t have to give up.” My mission and motto in life remain – Even if I can give hope to people, my life has been a success.

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Love & Relationship

Micro-Cheating: Understanding the Subtle Signs of Infidelity

Micro-cheating refers to small, seemingly insignificant actions that can indicate a partner’s emotional or mental investment in someone outside their primary relationship.



Micro-cheating is a relatively new term that has emerged in the context of modern relationships, especially in the digital age. It refers to a series of small, seemingly innocuous behaviors that may indicate a person is emotionally or mentally investing in someone outside their primary relationship. While these actions may not constitute full-blown infidelity, they often tread the fine line between innocent interactions and emotional cheating.

In today’s world, where social media and instant messaging have become integral to daily life, the boundaries of what constitutes cheating have expanded. Understanding micro-cheating is crucial for maintaining trust and transparency in relationships.

Examples of Micro-Cheating

micro cheating in a relationship

Micro-cheating can manifest in various ways, often depending on the context of the relationship and the individuals involved. Some common behaviors include:

  • Flirting Online or In-Person: Engaging in flirtatious conversations with someone outside the relationship, whether in person or through social media, can be a sign of micro-cheating.
  • Secretive Communication: Sending private messages or having emotionally intimate conversations with someone other than a partner, especially if these interactions are hidden.
  • Maintaining Contact with an Ex: While staying friends with an ex is not inherently problematic, consistently reaching out to an ex-partner without a partner’s knowledge can be a red flag.
  • Social Media Interactions: Frequently liking, commenting on, or engaging with someone’s social media posts in a manner that suggests more than just casual interest.

These behaviors may seem harmless on the surface, but they can erode trust and lead to bigger issues if not addressed.

The Psychological Impact of Micro-Cheating

Micro-cheating, though subtle, can have significant psychological impacts on a relationship. Some of the key effects include:

micro cheating

  • Trust Issues: Micro-cheating can lead to a gradual erosion of trust, which is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Even if no physical cheating occurs, the emotional betrayal can be just as damaging.
  • Insecurity and Anxiety: The partner who perceives micro-cheating may experience heightened insecurity and anxiety, constantly questioning their partner’s loyalty and intentions.
  • Relationship Damage: If left unchecked, micro-cheating can escalate into more significant forms of infidelity, ultimately damaging or even ending the relationship. Some research shows that men are more likely to be unfaithful than women.

Addressing these issues early is essential for maintaining a healthy, trusting relationship.

Why People Engage in Micro-Cheating

Understanding the reasons behind micro-cheating can help in addressing and resolving the issue. Some common reasons include:

  • Seeking Validation: Some individuals may seek validation outside their relationship, especially if they feel unappreciated or undervalued by their partner.
  • Escapism: Micro-cheating can be a way to escape from the challenges or monotony of a long-term relationship, providing a temporary thrill or distraction.
  • Fear of Commitment: People who struggle with commitment may engage in micro-cheating as a way to avoid fully investing in their relationship.

Recognizing these motivations can help in addressing the root causes of micro-cheating.

How to Identify Micro-Cheating in Your Relationship

Identifying micro-cheating requires awareness and open communication. Some signs to look out for include:

  • Red Flags: Pay attention to secretive behaviors, such as hiding text messages or being overly protective of their phone. These actions can be indicators of deeper issues in the relationship, as discussed in Relationship Red Flags Not to Ignore.
  • Changes in Behavior: A sudden increase in attention to appearance or spending more time on social media can be indicators.
  • Open Communication: Discussing boundaries and expectations with your partner can help prevent misunderstandings and address potential issues early.

How to Deal with Micro-Cheating

Dealing with micro-cheating requires a combination of setting boundaries, rebuilding trust, and open communication. Some strategies include:

  • Setting Boundaries: Clearly define what behaviors are acceptable in your relationship and communicate these boundaries with your partner.
  • Building Trust: If micro-cheating has occurred, work on rebuilding trust through consistent, honest communication, and mutual effort.
  • Forgiveness and Moving Forward: Forgiveness is crucial for healing. Both partners must be willing to work together to overcome the issue and strengthen their relationship.


Micro-cheating is a complex and often misunderstood aspect of modern relationships. While it may not involve physical infidelity, the emotional impact can be just as significant. By understanding the signs, motivations, and potential consequences of micro-cheating, couples can take proactive steps to address the issue and maintain a healthy, trusting relationship.

About the author


Charlotte is a health, beauty and wellness blogger and a mother of two, who lives between India and London

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Love & Relationship

360 Deep Conversation Starters: Unlock Meaningful Discussions

These conversation starters can help spark meaningful discussions about life, relationships, and the future, fostering deeper connections and understanding.



conversation starter

Deep conversation starters can transform a casual chat into a profound discussion, helping to build stronger connections. Whether you’re talking with your partner, friends, crush, or someone new, these questions can help you delve into topics that matter. Below are curated lists of deep conversation topics for various scenarios.

Deep Conversation Starters for Couples

  1. What is one thing you wish we did more of in our relationship?
  2. How do you define love, and how has that definition evolved over time?
  3. What is your biggest fear for the future of our relationship?
  4. How do you think we’ve grown as a couple since we first met?
  5. What role do you think trust plays in a relationship, and how can we strengthen it?
  6. What’s a dream you’ve never shared with me?
  7. How do you handle feelings of jealousy in a relationship?
  8. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned from past relationships?
  9. How do you think we can maintain our connection as life gets busier?
  10. What do you believe is your purpose in life, and how can I support you in achieving it?
  11. How do you feel about the balance of giving and receiving love in our relationship?
  12. What does commitment mean to you?
  13. How can we improve our communication when we disagree?
  14. What are your thoughts on having children or expanding our family?
  15. What’s your most cherished memory of us together?
  16. How do you feel when we spend time apart?
  17. What are the most important values we share as a couple?
  18. How do you want to handle conflicts when they arise?
  19. What’s one thing I do that makes you feel truly loved?
  20. How can we keep the spark alive in our relationship long-term?
  21. What are your thoughts on marriage or long-term commitment?
  22. How do you think we can support each other’s personal growth?
  23. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try together?
  24. How do you feel about our relationship’s progression?
  25. What are your spiritual or religious beliefs, and how do they influence our relationship?
  26. How do you handle stress, and how can I help?
  27. What’s your idea of a perfect day spent together?
  28. How do you envision our future together in 5 or 10 years?
  29. What’s one thing you admire most about our relationship?
  30. What are your thoughts on money and financial planning as a couple?
  31. How do you feel about the level of intimacy in our relationship?
  32. What’s something you think we should work on as a couple?
  33. How do you express love, and how do you prefer to receive it?
  34. What are your expectations for the future of our relationship?
  35. How do you handle forgiveness in a relationship?
  36. What’s one thing you want us to accomplish together?
  37. How do you feel about sharing responsibilities in our relationship?
  38. What’s your biggest hope for our future?
  39. How do you think we can maintain a healthy work-life balance?
  40. What’s one thing you’d like to change about our relationship, and why?

Deep Conversation Starters for Friends

  1. deep conversation starter for friendsWhat’s the biggest lesson life has taught you so far?
  2. How do you handle stress, and what coping mechanisms work best for you?
  3. What are your thoughts on the importance of mental health?
  4. What’s your opinion on social media’s impact on friendships?
  5. How do you define success, and what does it mean to you personally?
  6. What’s the most difficult decision you’ve ever had to make?
  7. What’s a personal goal you’re working towards right now?
  8. How do you stay motivated during tough times?
  9. What’s your biggest fear, and how do you deal with it?
  10. How do you think our friendship has evolved over the years?
  11. What’s the most valuable piece of advice you’ve ever received?
  12. How do you handle feelings of loneliness or isolation?
  13. What role does gratitude play in your life?
  14. How do you prioritize self-care, and what does it look like for you?
  15. What are your thoughts on forgiveness, and how do you practice it?
  16. What’s your philosophy on life, and how does it guide your decisions?
  17. How do you handle failure, and what have you learned from it?
  18. What’s your take on work-life balance, and how do you maintain it?
  19. What’s one thing you wish more people knew about you?
  20. How do you define happiness, and what brings you the most joy?
  21. What’s the most challenging thing you’ve ever overcome?
  22. How do you navigate difficult conversations in friendships?
  23. What’s your approach to setting and achieving goals?
  24. What are your thoughts on vulnerability in friendships?
  25. How do you practice mindfulness, and what benefits have you seen?
  26. What’s one thing you’re passionate about, and why?
  27. How do you stay true to yourself in a world that’s constantly changing?
  28. What’s your biggest dream, and how are you working towards it?
  29. How do you handle change, especially when it’s unexpected?
  30. What’s your approach to dealing with conflict in friendships?
  31. How do you define trust, and what role does it play in your friendships?
  32. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t had the chance yet?
  33. How do you approach making new friends, and what qualities do you look for?
  34. What’s your opinion on the importance of setting boundaries in friendships?
  35. How do you handle stress in your daily life?
  36. What’s the most rewarding experience you’ve ever had?
  37. How do you stay connected with friends who live far away?
  38. What’s your take on the importance of honesty in friendships?
  39. How do you practice empathy in your relationships?
  40. What’s your vision for the future, and how do your friendships fit into it?

Deep Conversation Starters with a Crush

  1. conversation starter with crushWhat’s the most interesting place you’ve ever visited?
  2. How do you define love, and what does it mean to you?
  3. What’s your idea of a perfect day?
  4. How do you handle stress and difficult situations?
  5. What’s the most important quality you look for in a partner?
  6. What’s your biggest passion in life?
  7. How do you feel about taking risks in life?
  8. What’s your opinion on the role of honesty in relationships?
  9. What’s the most meaningful experience you’ve had in the past year?
  10. How do you prioritize your goals and dreams?
  11. What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn or try?
  12. How do you handle disagreements in relationships?
  13. What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned about love?
  14. How do you express your feelings to someone you care about?
  15. What’s your approach to balancing work and personal life?
  16. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
  17. How do you define success in a relationship?
  18. What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend?
  19. How do you handle rejection or disappointment?
  20. What’s your take on the importance of communication in a relationship?
  21. What’s something you’re proud of that not many people know about?
  22. How do you approach making important life decisions?
  23. What’s your favorite way to relax and unwind?
  24. How do you handle feelings of jealousy or insecurity?
  25. What’s something that always makes you smile, no matter what?
  26. How do you stay motivated to achieve your goals?
  27. What’s your philosophy on life, and how does it guide your choices?
  28. How do you approach building trust in a relationship?
  29. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t had the chance yet?
  30. How do you handle change, especially when it’s difficult?
  31. What’s your favorite way to show someone you care?
  32. How do you stay true to yourself in a relationship?
  33. What’s the most challenging thing you’ve ever faced?
  34. How do you approach setting and achieving personal goals?
  35. What’s your opinion on the importance of vulnerability in a relationship?
  36. How do you practice self-care, and what does it look like for you?
  37. What’s something you’re passionate about, and why?
  38. How do you handle difficult conversations or conflicts?
  39. What’s your idea of a perfect relationship?
  40. How do you envision your future, and what role do relationships play in it?

Related: Question to ask your crush

Deep Conversation Starters with a Girl

  1. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned about yourself recently?
  2. How do you define beauty, and what does it mean to you?
  3. What’s your favorite way to spend time with someone you care about?
  4. How do you approach making new friends?
  5. What’s your biggest passion, and how does it influence your life?
  6. How do you handle stress and difficult situations?
  7. What’s the most meaningful compliment you’ve ever received?
  8. How do you stay motivated to pursue your goals?
  9. What’s your take on the importance of self-love?
  10. How do you handle feelings of insecurity or self-doubt?
  11. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t had the chance yet?
  12. How do you approach building and maintaining friendships?
  13. What’s your favorite way to relax and unwind after a long day?
  14. How do you define success, and what does it look like for you?
  15. What’s something you’re really proud of but don’t often share?
  16. How do you handle difficult conversations or conflicts?
  17. What’s your philosophy on life?
  18. What’s something that makes you feel truly alive?
  19. How do you approach setting and achieving personal goals?
  20. What’s your idea of a perfect relationship?
  21. How do you envision your future, and what role do relationships play in it?
  22. What’s your favorite way to show someone you care?
  23. How do you handle change, especially when it’s unexpected?
  24. What’s something you’re passionate about, and why?
  25. How do you practice self-care, and what does it look like for you?
  26. What’s your take on the importance of communication in a relationship?
  27. How do you handle rejection or disappointment?
  28. What’s the most challenging thing you’ve ever faced, and how did you overcome it?
  29. What’s your favorite way to relax and unwind?
  30. How do you define love, and what does it mean to you?
  31. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
  32. How do you stay true to yourself in a world that’s constantly changing?
  33. What’s your biggest fear, and how do you cope with it?
  34. How do you handle stress in your daily life?
  35. What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned about relationships?
  36. How do you approach making important life decisions?
  37. What’s your opinion on the importance of honesty in relationships?
  38. How do you stay connected with friends and family?
  39. What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn or try?
  40. How do you balance your personal and professional life?

Deep Conversation Starters with a Boy

  1. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in life so far?
  2. How do you define strength, and what does it mean to you?
  3. What’s your biggest passion, and how do you pursue it?
  4. How do you handle stress and pressure in your life?
  5. What’s your favorite way to spend your free time?
  6. How do you stay motivated to achieve your goals?
  7. What’s the most challenging thing you’ve ever faced?
  8. How do you approach making tough decisions?
  9. What’s your idea of a perfect day?
  10. How do you handle feelings of insecurity or self-doubt?
  11. What’s something you’re really proud of but don’t often talk about?
  12. How do you define success, and what does it look like for you?
  13. What’s your take on the importance of mental health?
  14. How do you stay connected with your friends and family?
  15. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet?
  16. How do you balance work and personal life?
  17. What’s the most valuable piece of advice you’ve ever received?
  18. How do you handle rejection or failure?
  19. What’s your favorite way to relax and unwind?
  20. How do you express your feelings to someone you care about?
  21. What’s your biggest fear, and how do you manage it?
  22. How do you approach setting and achieving personal goals?
  23. What’s your opinion on the importance of vulnerability in relationships?
  24. How do you handle difficult conversations or conflicts?
  25. What’s something you’re passionate about, and why?
  26. How do you stay true to yourself in challenging situations?
  27. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
  28. How do you handle change, especially when it’s unexpected?
  29. What’s your philosophy on life, and how does it guide your decisions?
  30. How do you define love, and what role does it play in your life?
  31. What’s your idea of a perfect relationship?
  32. How do you stay motivated during tough times?
  33. What’s your favorite way to show someone you care?
  34. How do you approach making new friends?
  35. What’s the most meaningful compliment you’ve ever received?
  36. How do you handle feelings of jealousy or insecurity?
  37. What’s your vision for the future, and how do your relationships fit into it?
  38. How do you stay grounded and focused in your daily life?
  39. What’s something you’re working on improving in yourself?
  40. How do you define happiness, and what brings you the most joy?

Deep Conversation Starters for Married Couples

  1. How do you see our relationship evolving in the next five years?
  2. What are your dreams and aspirations for our future together?
  3. How do you feel we can better support each other in achieving our goals?
  4. What’s something you love about our relationship that you hope never changes?
  5. How do you feel about the way we handle conflict?
  6. What’s one thing you think we could improve in our communication?
  7. How do you envision our life together in retirement?
  8. What’s your favorite memory of us together?
  9. How do you feel about the balance between our work and personal life?
  10. What are your thoughts on having children or expanding our family?
  11. How do you feel we’ve grown as a couple since we first met?
  12. What’s something you think we should experience together?
  13. How do you feel about the level of intimacy in our relationship?
  14. What’s your biggest fear about our future together?
  15. How do you feel about our financial goals and how we’re working towards them?
  16. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do with me but haven’t yet?
  17. How do you feel about the way we manage our household responsibilities?
  18. What are your thoughts on how we spend our leisure time together?
  19. How do you feel about the role spirituality or religion plays in our relationship?
  20. What’s something you think we should prioritize more in our relationship?
  21. How do you feel about our social life and the friends we spend time with?
  22. What’s your favorite way to spend time together as a couple?
  23. How do you feel about the way we express love and affection for each other?
  24. What’s something you think we could do to strengthen our relationship?
  25. How do you feel about our relationship with our extended families?
  26. What are your thoughts on how we celebrate special occasions?
  27. How do you feel about the way we handle stress and challenges together?
  28. What’s your favorite thing about being married to me?
  29. How do you feel about our long-term plans and goals?
  30. What’s something you think we should do to keep our relationship exciting?
  31. How do you feel about the way we manage our finances?
  32. What’s your vision for our future home or living situation?
  33. How do you feel about the level of trust and honesty in our relationship?
  34. What’s something you’ve learned about yourself since we’ve been married?
  35. How do you feel about the way we handle disagreements?
  36. What’s your favorite way to show love to me?
  37. How do you feel about the way we support each other’s dreams and ambitions?
  38. What’s something you think we could do to improve our relationship?
  39. How do you feel about our roles and responsibilities within our marriage?
  40. What’s your vision for our future together, and how do you see us getting there?

40 deep conversation starters about growing up

  1. What’s a childhood memory that shaped who you are today?
  2. How do you think your upbringing influenced your current values?
  3. What was the hardest lesson you learned while growing up?
  4. How did your relationship with your parents change as you got older?
  5. What was a defining moment in your teenage years?
  6. How did your view of the world change as you grew older?
  7. What advice would you give your younger self?
  8. How did your friendships evolve as you matured?
  9. What’s something you miss about being a child?
  10. How did your goals and dreams change as you transitioned into adulthood?
  11. What’s a mistake you made growing up that taught you a valuable lesson?
  12. How did your perception of love change as you grew up?
  13. What was your biggest fear as a child, and how did it evolve?
  14. How did your family’s dynamics change as you got older?
  15. What’s something you wish you had understood earlier in life?
  16. How did growing up impact your view on responsibility and independence?
  17. What’s a tradition from your childhood that you want to carry into adulthood?
  18. How did you handle the transition from childhood to adulthood?
  19. What’s a lesson about life that took you the longest to learn?
  20. How did your relationship with money change as you grew up?
  21. What role did education play in your growth as a person?
  22. How did you discover your passions as you were growing up?
  23. What’s something you learned from an older role model while growing up?
  24. How did your experiences growing up shape your career choices?
  25. What was the most challenging part of growing up for you?
  26. How did your understanding of friendship change over the years?
  27. What’s a belief you held as a child that you no longer hold as an adult?
  28. How did growing up affect your relationship with your siblings?
  29. What’s a childhood dream you had that you still hold onto?
  30. How did you cope with the challenges of adolescence?
  31. What’s something you wish your parents had taught you about growing up?
  32. How did your personality change as you transitioned from childhood to adulthood?
  33. What’s a piece of advice you received growing up that still resonates with you?
  34. How did your view of success change as you matured?
  35. What’s a moment from your childhood that you often reflect on?
  36. How did growing up in your community shape your worldview?
  37. What’s something you’ve carried with you from childhood into adulthood?
  38. How did your understanding of happiness evolve as you grew older?
  39. What’s a life lesson you learned the hard way while growing up?
  40. How did growing up change the way you approach challenges and obstacles?

Generic Deep Conversation Starters About Life and the Future

  1. How do you define success in life?
  2. What’s your biggest fear about the future?
  3. How do you envision your life 10 years from now?
  4. What’s your philosophy on happiness?
  5. How do you handle change, especially when it’s unexpected?
  6. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned so far?
  7. How do you approach setting and achieving long-term goals?
  8. What’s your vision for your career or personal life?
  9. How do you deal with uncertainty in life?
  10. What’s your biggest regret, and how has it shaped you?
  11. How do you prioritize your time and energy?
  12. What’s your opinion on the importance of financial stability?
  13. How do you stay motivated during tough times?
  14. What’s your take on the importance of self-care?
  15. How do you approach making big life decisions?
  16. What’s your vision for your relationships in the future?
  17. How do you stay true to yourself in a world that’s constantly changing?
  18. What’s your biggest passion, and how do you pursue it?
  19. How do you handle feelings of self-doubt or insecurity?
  20. What’s your philosophy on love and relationships?
  21. How do you balance your personal and professional life?
  22. What’s your take on the importance of mental health?
  23. How do you handle stress and pressure in your life?
  24. What’s your vision for your legacy and what you want to be remembered for?
  25. How do you approach making new friends and building relationships?
  26. What’s your opinion on the importance of giving back to the community?
  27. How do you handle failure, and what have you learned from it?
  28. What’s your favorite way to relax and unwind?
  29. How do you stay connected with your friends and family?
  30. What’s your biggest goal for the future, and how do you plan to achieve it?
  31. How do you define personal growth, and what does it mean to you?
  32. What’s your take on the importance of lifelong learning?
  33. How do you handle feelings of loneliness or isolation?
  34. What’s your vision for your health and well-being in the future?
  35. How do you approach making important financial decisions?
  36. What’s your opinion on the importance of work-life balance?
  37. How do you stay grounded and focused in your daily life?
  38. What’s your biggest dream, and how do you plan to make it a reality?
  39. How do you handle difficult conversations or conflicts?
  40. What’s your philosophy on living a meaningful and fulfilling life?

These deep conversation starters are designed to help you connect on a deeper level with those around you, whether it’s a partner, friend, or someone new. By using these questions, you can foster meaningful discussions that go beyond surface-level topics, creating stronger, more authentic relationships.

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Love & Relationship

Understanding the Psychology Behind Infidelity: Why Do People Cheat in Relationships?

In today’s complex world of relationships, infidelity is a sensitive and often distressing issue that many individuals grapple with.




people cheat in relationships

In today’s complex world of relationships, infidelity is a sensitive and often distressing issue that many individuals grapple with. Understanding why people cheat in relationships requires delving into the intricate workings of human psychology and behavior. While every situation is unique, there are several common underlying factors that may contribute to infidelity.

The Temptation of Novelty and Excitement

the excitement in relationship has gone

One of the primary reasons why people may cheat in relationships is the allure of novelty and excitement. Over time, the initial spark and passion that characterize the early stages of a relationship can diminish, leading some individuals to seek out new experiences and sensations elsewhere. This desire for novelty can manifest in various forms, from engaging in flirtatious conversations with others to pursuing full-blown affairs.

Emotional Dissatisfaction and Unmet Needs

emotional dissatisfaction

Another driving force behind infidelity is the experience of emotional dissatisfaction and unmet needs within the relationship. When individuals feel neglected, unappreciated, or disconnected from their partner, they may seek emotional validation and intimacy elsewhere. Emotional affairs can develop when someone forms a deep emotional bond with another person outside of their primary relationship, fulfilling the emotional void they perceive in their current partnership.

Self-Esteem and Validation

For some individuals, cheating may stem from underlying issues related to self-esteem and validation. Engaging in extramarital affairs or seeking attention from others can serve as a means of boosting one’s ego and feeling desirable or attractive. Seeking validation from external sources may provide a temporary sense of fulfillment and confidence, albeit at the expense of the existing relationship.

Opportunity and Circumstance

circumstances issues in relationships

In certain cases, infidelity may occur as a result of opportunity and circumstance. Factors such as proximity to potential partners, social settings, and peer influence can create situations where individuals are more likely to engage in cheating behavior. Technology, such as dating apps and social media platforms, has also made it easier than ever for individuals to connect with others outside of their committed relationships.

Coping Mechanism for Underlying Issues

Infidelity can sometimes serve as a coping mechanism for underlying issues or challenges within the individual’s life or relationship. Stress, unresolved conflicts, trauma, or dissatisfaction in other areas of life may lead some individuals to seek solace or distraction through infidelity. Rather than addressing the root causes of their distress, they may turn to extramarital affairs as a temporary escape from their problems.

Lack of Commitment or Investment

In cases where individuals feel a lack of commitment or investment in their relationship, they may be more inclined to engage in cheating behavior. This lack of emotional connection or dedication to the partnership can result in a decreased sense of loyalty and fidelity. Individuals may rationalize their actions by minimizing the significance of their relationship or viewing infidelity as a means of asserting their independence.


While the reasons behind infidelity are multifaceted and complex, they often stem from a combination of emotional, psychological, and situational factors. Understanding why people cheat in relationships requires a nuanced examination of individual motivations and circumstances. By addressing underlying issues, fostering open communication, and prioritizing mutual respect and commitment, couples can work towards building trust and strengthening their bond.

About the author


Andrea loves to write about the relationship. She has been writing for more than a decade now. Solo traveller and love to surf

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