Food & Recipes

What To Eat During Viral Fever? 7 Best And Worst Foods To Eat When You Are Sick



A virus causes viral fever, which is characterized by a higher-than-normal body temperature. While not everyone with a virus has a fever, it is a sign that the body is trying to fight the infection.
Most viral disorders will improve with patience and supportive therapy such as cold compresses and over-the-counter (OTC) medications. On the other side, a high body temperature may demand medical attention.

The viral fever normally lasts 3-5 days, with a few symptoms dissipating after a few more days. For some viruses, however, the cycle can be prolonged, and the recovery time from a viral fever might continue up to two weeks. You should consult a doctor if the symptoms of viral fever last longer than two weeks. And now the question arises,

What to eat in viral fever?

Food is always something everyone is scared about when anyone is sick. Even when you are sick with a common cold, there are some dangerous diseases like cardiovascular disease. The first thing that arises in the mind is what to eat and what not to. Food has always been the key to curing any disease. good food that is a good choice of food can help you get better along with the doctor prescribed medicines. It is important to give importance to the food you can assume when you are sick along with the medicines you take.

7 food to eat when sick with flu

1. Broth

Brought is considered to be the best diet for fever. It contains all the essential protein acquired from chicken beef or pork broth. It is a rich source of all the minerals. It is easy to digest. It is usually served hot which gives warmth to the throat and also helps the body to be hydrated.

2. Yogurt

Yogurt with live cultures can help ease a sore throat while simultaneously boosting your immune system. Protein is also found in yogurt.

While your throat is painful, you can have yogurt, but make sure to buy complete yogurts without added sweeteners.

3. Fruits high in vitamin C

Vitamin C is a crucial mineral for supporting your immune system, which is especially vital while you’re unwell. While supplements can assist, your body can absorb minerals like vitamin C better from foods.

While you’re sick with the flu, try munching on vitamin C-rich fruits. Strawberries, tomatoes, and citrus fruits are examples of vitamin C-rich fruits.

4. Garlic

While you may think of garlic as a taste element, it has been utilized in alternative medicine for ages to treat several maladies. Garlic supplements were proven to improve immunity and lower symptom severity in individuals with the flu in one research.

However, you do not need to take supplements. Garlic is eaten raw may also be healthy. Consider consuming garlic at the first sign of the flu because of its immune-boosting properties.

5. Greens with lots of leaves

When you have the flu, spinach, kale, and other leafy greens can help improve your immune system. They include vitamin C as well as vitamin E, an immune-boosting ingredient.

Make a smoothie with leafy greens and fruit, or eat them raw with a splash of lemon and olive oil. It’s great if you eat these immune-boosting foods all the time while you’re sick.

6. Broccoli

Broccoli is a nutrient-dense vegetable that can help your body recover from the flu. One serving of this dish contains immune-boosting vitamins C and E, as well as calcium and fiber.

When your appetite returns during the middle or end of the flu, try broccoli. You can also consume broccoli soup; just keep an eye on the sodium content.

7. Spices

You may experience greater sinus and chest congestion as the illness progresses. Pepper and horseradish are great food to eat during the flu, for example, they can help break up congestion so you can breathe easier. When you have a sore throat, though, stay away from spicy meals.

7 Foods to avoid during fever

1. Caffeinated beverages and alcoholic beverages

When you have a fever, you should be aware of dehydration because of the higher temperatures and increased sweating. Caffeine and alcohol might exacerbate your symptoms (particularly stomach-related problems), so stay hydrated by drinking water and other clear drinks throughout the day.

2. Greasy Foods

Foods that are tough to digest and taxing on your gastrointestinal system should be avoided. Saturated fat-rich foods, as well as fried and greasy foods, should be avoided or reduced.

3. Grain that is difficult to digest

Because the flu can often cause stomach trouble, it’s best to eat meals that are easier to digest, such as simple/refined carbs. Foods that are easy on the stomach, such as dry saltine crackers, toast, and pretzels, are the most likely to be tolerated while you have the flu. Foods high in fiber, on the other hand, are more difficult to digest, so I’d recommend avoiding them at first.

4. High fiber

Avoid foods high in fiber with a fever, such as whole wheat grains and cereals. Your digestive system will become tired of breaking down the food molecules since they take longer to digest.

5. Sugary foods and beverages

When you’re sick, you might believe the greatest thing to drink is vitamin-c-rich fruit juices, but most of these options aren’t nutritionally packed and can inflame your immune system. To stay hydrated, I recommend drinking water and other clear beverages.

6. Dairy products

Dairy products have the potential to raise your body temperature. As a result, avoid taking them if you have a temperature.

7. Washing

To ensure that germs on fresh fruits are rinsed away, soak them in water, wash them well, and peel them before eating. Saltwater is a superior alternative for washing fruits since it kills more bacteria than plain water.


Coconut water during fever?

Coconut water is free of germs (pyrogen-free: a substance that causes fever). It’s been discovered to be particularly effective in natural oral rehydration therapy (ORT). “Coconut water has been shown to lower fever when eaten under feverish conditions,” he explains. “It is also used to treat nervous and emotional disorders.

Do bananas cause coughing?

This is why bananas are frequently served as part of a breakfast meal, allowing one to start the day without worrying about the following one. It is recommended that you avoid eating it at night, according to Ayurveda, because it aggravates cough and cold. It takes a long time to digest and can make you feel sluggish.

Can we eat chicken with a fever?

When you’re sick with a fever, chicken is perfectly fine to eat. However, the most crucial factor to consider is the type of chicken that is consumed. Chicken recipes with little oil and spices will keep you going while you’re unwell.

Is curd good for coughing?

Vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and protein abound in curd. Lactobacillus aids in the prevention of dangerous microorganisms and illnesses in the body. Curd, being a fermented food, is high in vitamin C, which is beneficial in the treatment of colds and coughs.

Is turmeric milk good for fever?

Turmeric milk is a nutritious Indian beverage made with simple milk and turmeric powder. This is an age-old cure for fever, cold, and cough that is still commonly used in most Indian households.

When you’re sick, resting, staying hydrated, and eating well are some of the most important things you can do to feel better and recover faster.
Fortunately, many meals have health benefits in addition to delivering nutrition to your body. While no meal can heal a disease on its own, eating the appropriate foods can support your immune system and provide relief from some symptoms.

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