Health & Wellness

What Are Love Handles? 5 Exercises To Get Rid Of Them!



What are love handles?

Skin that extends outward from the hips is referred to as “love handles.” Love handles can become more noticeable when accompanied by tight clothing, although they aren’t created solely by tight clothing. They are signs of excessive fat accumulation around the hips and abdomen.

Why are they called love handles?

If the male is overweight, this is also the optimum position. As a result, your sweetheart will be able to hold on. Because your spouse likes to touch or hold your hips, they were given the nickname Love handles instead of a fat pocket.

What causes love handles?

Although fat can build anywhere on the body, several variables enhance the likelihood of fat retention in the hip, lower back, and abdominal areas. Love handle creation is influenced by several factors, including:

  • Hormones, notably too much cortisol, as well as age (belly fat accumulation is particularly common as you get older)
  • A diet strong in fats, sweets, and high-calorie foods a lack of physical activity
  • Sleep deprivation undiagnosed or untreated metabolic disorders (hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, for example, makes it harder to burn off additional calories)

5 Exercise to reduce love handles

Love handle workout for men & women

1. Pose in a triangle

Basic twists and spins will aid in the reduction of fat deposits on your sides. Simply stand with your legs shoulder-width apart to perform this stretch. Extend your arms on both sides now. Inhale and slowly bend your body to the side, bringing your left hand to your left toe. Your right hand should be stretched upwards in the air. Starting from the ground, make sure your left and right arms create a straight line. Keep your neck angled to the left. Return to normal position slowly and repeat on the opposite side.

2. Russian detours

Russian twists are probably the most effective workout for losing love handles. Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you and your arms crossed in front of you. Raise your legs so that they are not in contact with the ground. Now twist your torso and hands from side to side without allowing your feet to touch the ground. This will quickly melt the fat that has accumulated on your love handles.

3. Kicking a crab

Source: Fit girl’s diary

The crab kick exercise is another way to get your waist and belly muscles moving. Bend your knees and sit on the mat. Your feet should be together, and your hands should be behind your back, fingers facing backward. Slowly raise your hips and kick your right leg upward. Continue kicking while switching your legs one by one. During the workout, make sure your hips do not touch the ground. Repeat 3-4 times for a total of 30 seconds.

4. Touching the toes with one hand

This is a very basic yet powerful sitting exercise that will help you get rid of love handles quickly. Simply sit and fold your left leg inwards while stretching your right leg ahead of you. Touch the toe of your right foot with your right hand. Repeat 3-4 times, holding the position for at least 10 seconds each time. This will assist stretch your waist muscles as well as the side muscles of your abdomen.

5. Crunches bicycle

If you’re seeking the best exercise for love handles, try incorporating this exercise into your routine. Simply lie flat on your back and bring your leg inwards with folded knees, placing your hands beneath your head. Try connecting your right knee with your left elbow by lifting your right leg. While doing so, make sure to elevate your upper body. Return to a comfortable resting position and repeat with the second leg.

Food that can help to reduce love handles

Including soluble fiber-rich foods in your routine may aid in the removal of obstinate love handles. Beans, nuts, cereals, veggies, and fruits all contain soluble fiber. It aids in the retention of fullness for a longer amount of time by slowing digestion and reducing appetite. Fiber’s long-lasting feelings of fullness have been demonstrated to reduce the number of calories consumed throughout the day, resulting in weight loss. So, include:

  •  Oat bran
  • Sweet potato
  • Millet soup
  • Black rice
  • Black tea
  • Tiger nuts
  • Black beans

As you can see, getting rid of love handles can be done in a variety of techniques that are both straightforward and natural. A smaller waistline can be achieved by trying a new exercise program, eating fewer processed meals, and obtaining more fiber throughout the day. You must make long-term modifications to your food, exercise routine, and lifestyle to lose weight and keep it off.

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