Lips are something that a stranger notices second after eyes in a person. To keep them healthy means giving a good impression of yourself. Other than that, some physiological conditions can also be detected by looking at the lips. Women! Will you apply your shiny gloss or matte (as per your preference) lipstick to a dry, cracked lip? No, right. That is why lip care is important.
According to Chase, your lips should be “pink, velvety, and silky” in general. If your lips are in good shape and you want to keep them that way, follow Kominiarek’s advice: “Drink plenty of water, use lip moisturizers and balms, and see a doctor if you have any non-healing lesions.”
If you keep your skin routine ignoring the lips, then you won’t get the glow and satisfaction on your face. That is why, just like your skin, your lips too require a healthy routine. Your diet and lifestyle affect your lip health.
One of the most prominent aspects of the face is the lips. Lips that are soft, delicious, full-bodied, and pink can substantially enhance the esthetic attractiveness. Although not everyone can achieve beautiful lips, if your lips are frequently dry or chapped, something is wrong with your lifestyle or lip care routine. If you repair them, you might be able to achieve the ideal version of your lips if you repair them.
Your skin may react after just one contact with the irritant, or it may require a longer period of recurrent contact depending on the severity of the irritant. Irritant dermatitis is a type of dermatitis that affects the skin all over the body and is caused by things like hair dye, rubber gloves, and shampoo. Consider what substances may have recently come into contact with your lips if you’re having irritating dermatitis on your lip. Are you using a new lipstick or detergent to wash the towels you use to dry your face? One of these materials could be the source of your new lip problem.
2. Cold Sores
Cold sores, often known as oral herpes and fever blisters, are another prevalent lip problem. Sore breakouts can occur in two places. The first type usually produces cold sores in the mouth (or oral herpes), whereas the second type causes herpes sores in the genital area.
Cold sores are tiny, fluid-filled blisters that occur on or around the lips, usually in clusters. When a blister bursts, a scab forms that can linger for several days. HSV is contagious even if the sores aren’t visible cold sores can spread through close person-to-person contact, such as kissing.
Chapped lips are a common problem that we’ve probably all encountered at some point, whether it’s from spending too much time outside on a chilly windy day or simply coping with dry winter air. Making lifestyle modifications to protect yourself from chapped and dry lips is the simplest method to avoid them. This includes keeping your home humidified throughout the dry months, wearing lip balm or lipstick before heading outside in cold, dry weather, and avoiding sun exposure without sufficient SPF protection.
If your lips become chapped, lip balms containing beeswax and petroleum can help. Drinking extra fluids, especially during the dry winter months, can also assist to keep your body hydrated.
How to take care of your lips at home?
Exfoliate. Brush your lips gently with a damp, soft toothbrush or washcloth to remove dry, dead skin flakes. This is something I do around once a week, usually on a weekend morning when I’m not planning on going outside immediately because it irritates my lips.
Hydrate. Lips, unlike the rest of your skin, are prone to drying out and chapping because they lack oil glands. Drink plenty of water to keep your lips hydrated, and avoid licking them (it took me years to stop the habit!) as this also dehydrates them.
Protect and hydrate your skin. The lower lip, in particular, is exposed to a lot of sun. As a result, they’re a popular site for skin cancer. As a result, your daytime lip cream must have an SPF of 15 or greater. Even if you’re wearing a mask, you should still protect your lips and the rest of your skin! To fight nocturnal dryness, I switch to a moisturizing moisturizer at night.
Reapply often. Reapply a sun-protective lip product every two hours, especially if you’ve eaten or drunk something. I store my SPF lip balm in several locations since I find it useful. I have one at my work, in my bag, on my bedside, and in my bathroom, so I don’t forget to use it after brushing my teeth. The advantage of this approach is that you now have an excuse to try out new brands and goods. Reapply sun-protective lip balms every two hours at the absolute least.
How to maintain lips?
A balanced, nutritious diet will provide you with all of the vitamins and nutrients you need to maintain your skin’s overall health. For healthy lips, eat a diet rich in fruits.
Smoking should be avoided. Smoking causes irregular pigmentation of the lips.
Lipstick should not be used for long periods of time. Heavy metals that cause dermatitis and discoloration have been discovered in many lip makeup products. Sticking to natural products is recommended, as is limiting the use of lip make-up.
Tips for lip care one should follow regularly:
1. The importance of lip cleansing cannot be overstated.
2. If you’ve worn lip make-up, make sure all traces are gone with a make-up remover.
3. After that, use a mild cleaner.
4. At least twice a day, this should be done.
As seen, there are various ways one can keep their lips healthy. Lip care tips not only involve costly products, but it also consists of home remedies so easy like hydrating yourself, eating healthy following makeup removal routine, applying moisturizer, etc. This can give “pink, velvety, and silky” easily when practiced on a daily basis.