Food & Recipes

8 Potential Benefits Of Poppy Seeds & Side Effects



What are poppy seeds?

Poppy seeds benefit as a rich source of fiber that helps keep your tummy full for an extended period. Poppy seeds also include magnesium that helps to enhance bone health and even recover blood clotting. The calcium included in them also plays a vital role in increasing bone tightening and health. Poppy seeds are also pressed out to make out the poppy seed nutrition oil with all the facts of omega-6 and omega-9 healthy fats that can help improve overall health and lower the risk of any cardiovascular disease.

8 amazing benefits of poppy seeds

1. Improves Fertility

Poppy seeds play a very fundamental role in boosting up female fertility. Poppy seeds are also well-known to remove the mucus present in the fallopian tubes and thus, aids in achieving a healthy pregnancy. They even enhance all the sexual desire and thereby improve your sexual health by boosting up libido.

2. Combats Insomnia

Opium Poppy seeds are very effective for inducing your sleep. Poppy seeds benefit by creating a very calming effect, and they also help bring down your stress levels, thus enhancing your sound sleep. But the real question is how to use poppy seeds for inducing sleep? The answer is that they can be used or consumed with tea, or you can make a paste well-mixed with a glass of warm milk at night to enjoy blessed inertia.

3. Strengthens Bone

As mentioned before, there are many benefits of poppy seeds like they are rich in copper and calcium, which mainly help improve and strengthen bone health. In addition, the manganese present in the seeds helps in the fabrication of the protein collagen to protect the bones from any severe damage.

4. Improves the Digestion

Poppy seeds are a very nutritious source of insoluble fiber that helps strengthen your immune system and the digestive system and treat constipation problems very effectively.

5. Good in Thyroid

Zinc presentation in these seeds is a pivotal element in treating thyroid glands, and all thanks to a prosperous source of zinc content present in poppy seeds that plays a vital role in the proper functioning of thyroid glands.

6. Treating diabetic problems

Poppy seeds are much occupied as an integral place with any diabetic’s diet suggested by the doctors. This is because the manganese found in the poppy seeds mainly helps in treating diabetes.

7. Natural Analgesic

Poppy seeds for generations have been tried and also tested as an option to relieve any pain. Many primordial medical practitioners have suggested using the palliative properties of the Poppy seeds to relieve their patients from any discomfort. The pain-relieving property of poppy seeds is very significant and high in the Opium modified of the Poppy seeds.

8. Helps in Dandruff treatment

The prepared mixture of soaked Poppy seeds with white pepper and hung curd and applied to your hair will treat the dandruff problems. For this treatment to affect, you need to leave the paste for half an hour and then wash it off. Use this treatment regularly to prevent the manifestation of dandruff.

Poppy seeds side effects

Small quantities of codeine and even morphine might sometimes show up during urine drug tests after one has had consumed the poppy seeds. But with the cleaned and washed poppy seeds, they might not naturally contain the opium compounds. Unwashed poppy seeds can sometimes cause problems if they were visible to opiates while they had harvested. With dirty poppy seeds or the teas prepared with them are sometimes promoted instead of healing the sleep aids or pain, they are specifically not safe with the large quantities. They might as well contain enough opioid compounds that could lead to overdose or withdrawal. Hence, they might even be proved as potentially life-threatening.


The poppy plants are inborn to the Eastern Mediterranean, but they are ultimately spread out to all the other temperate parts of the world. Poppy seeds might be very tiny, but they are many benefits of poppy seeds. Poppy seeds or khus-khus seeds depending on their cultivation region might vary in color, though you will usually find these seeds in black color.

Also read, our previous blog on how you can improve your eyesight

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