Health & Wellness

Masturbation Side Effects: 10 Harmful Effects Of Masturbation For Men



Masturbation is defined as the act of stimulating one’s genitals to the point of orgasm. Masturbation can help to relieve stress and sexual tension. It can also make you feel good, increase your sexual enjoyment with your spouse, and help you rest and relax.

Masturbation is practiced by people of various ages, genders, and sexual orientations. Masturbation has been observed in young toddlers as they begin to explore their bodies. It is normal for people to masturbate either alone or with a willing companion.

Masturbation is more important in men than in women, according to research financed by the Swedish Research Council. It has also been scientifically shown that following ejaculation, males feel comfortable and stress-free. What happens if we masturbate daily?

Why masturbation is bad? “STIMULATING when watching porn can result in overstimulation, which alters brain chemistry.”

As a result, when a man is with his true spouse, he avoids obtaining a real erection. Watching porn for the sake of masturbating affect unreasonable expectations in men’s brains, and they may be dissatisfied if their female partner is unable to meet those expectations. What are the side effects of masturbation?

8 masturbation side effects

1. Sore genitals

Men who masturbate regularly may develop edema, a condition in which the penis swells up and is constantly irritated. Edema is a condition in which a region of the body expands due to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. This usually occurs when extreme pressure is applied to specific bodily areas.

2. Low Sperm Count

Masturbating, according to Dr. Chirag Bhandari, can be a healthy habit if done only once a month. When men or boys masturbate excessively, the body’s ability to produce testosterone is impeded, which could be one explanation for decreased sperm count, which is one of the negative effects of masturbation.

3. Dhat Syndrome

Dhat Syndrome is one of the most common sexual issues among men in India. The semen is passed while men urinate in dhat syndrome. “Dhat syndrome can be a possible side effect of masturbation,” according to a study published in the International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences in January 2015. This illness can lead to premature ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction in males in the future.”

4. Nightfall Difficulties

Harmful effects of masturbation also involve nightfall problems. Nightfall problems can occur when males ejaculate in their sleep or have wet dreams. Men who have had too much exposure to sexual substances or who masturbate for an extended period may experience nighttime issues, which is a common side effect of masturbation.

5. Rash and Redness

Yanking it too hard during the climax or grasping the genitals too tightly might cause rashes and redness, requiring medical attention. These rashes are caused by skin dryness or infection, which can be caused by filthy hands or the use of low-quality lubricants and can be used to treat masturbation side effects.

6. Masturbation Addiction

Addiction to masturbating is the effect of excessive masturbation. According to a psychology study, one of the reasons why men avoid social gatherings and activities is masturbation addiction. The patient who is addicted to this type of substance prefers to stay at home rather than go out. He prefers to be alone in his room for the majority of his time. He also makes excuses to avoid attending any public gatherings.

7. Low Self-Esteem

Men who masturbate more than the recommended times are essentially coping with their anxiety and despair in their unique way. These folks lose their self-assurance and are constantly uneasy around others. Masturbation relaxes them for a short time, but it also makes them feel bad about themselves.

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8. Unfocused Mindset

Unfocused Mindset These individuals are unable to concentrate on their work and will eventually fail in their jobs or studies. At the same time, excessive masturbation leads men to become weak, making it difficult for them to concentrate on their work.

9. Emotional Burden

Experiencing guilt is a potential aftermath of masturbation. This feeling may stem from various sources such as religious beliefs or deep-seated insecurities. For instance, certain religions may label masturbation as a sin, contributing to overwhelming guilt. While it’s acceptable to align personal choices with beliefs, persistent guilt may necessitate seeking support from a therapist or counselor to navigate these emotional challenges.

10. Diminished Sensitivity

Excessive masturbation can lead to reduced sexual sensitivity, particularly when individuals grip their genitals too firmly during the act. This can inadvertently damage small arteries, causing a gradual decline in sexual sensitivity over time. While exercising caution is advisable in such situations, it’s not a cause for extreme concern. However, if a person experiences a complete lack of sensitivity or observes unusual changes in the penis, immediate cessation of masturbation is recommended, and consultation with a specialist is crucial. Seeking professional guidance is essential, as attempting self-diagnosis through online resources can potentially exacerbate the situation.

How to overcome masturbation

1. Pornography should be avoided

Masturbation may be triggered by exposure to pornography. Pornographic films, photos, and websites should be avoided by people who want to cease masturbating. It may be easier to stop the habit if a person can create a barrier between themselves and pornography.

2. Continue to be active

Finding ways to occupy one’s time that do not provoke the need to masturbate can be beneficial.
Masturbation can be replaced by finding other ways to release energy. People should think about starting a new activity or acquiring a new skill, such as learning a musical instrument or trying a new sport.

3. Seek expert assistance

When masturbation is hurting a person’s life, seeking help from a mental health specialist who specializes in human sexuality may be beneficial.

Additional concerns, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, could be the root of the problem. Working through unpleasant feelings and learning behavior modification skills to stop masturbating might be beneficial when speaking with a therapist or psychologist.

Masturbation is a normal element of sexuality in most circumstances. The frequency of masturbation varies widely from person to person, and there is no such thing as a “normal” frequency.

It may be beneficial to stop or lessen the frequency of masturbation if it begins to interfere with other aspects of a person’s life or causes unhappiness.

Avoiding pornography and focusing on other tasks are two methods for stopping masturbation. However, if someone feels they have a sexual compulsion problem, they should seek professional therapy.

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