Love & Relationship

7 things you definitely didn’t know about love bites

Giving your lover a hickey in the middle of a hot make-out session can feel great and also designate them as “yours” in a humorous way. But how exactly do you give someone a hickey, and what is the best method?



Giving your lover a hickey in the middle of a hot make-out session can feel great and also designate them as “yours” in a humorous way.

But how exactly do you give someone a hickey, and what is the best method?

We’ll go over everything you need to know about hickeys, including how to recognize them, how to treat them, and how to become a hickey expert.

What are love bites?

A love bite, also known as a hickey, is a brief red mark formed by someone sucking on or biting the skin while kissing or engaging in other sexual activity.

What causes hickey?

The pressure from your spouse sucking on and biting your skin bursts small blood vessels beneath the surface. Petechiae are microscopic blood spots that form when blood vessels break.

A bruise is formed when a group of these blood spots joins together to produce a larger dark patch.

What does hickey look like?

A hickey is a dark red or purple mark on your skin that occurs as a result of excessive suction. It should fade in approximately 2 weeks, just like other bruises. Because of its ease of access, the neck is a typical place for hickeys, but they can occur everywhere.

How to give love bites?

  • Tension should be built up. Don’t just go in for the hickey by diving right into your partner’s neck. Spend some time kissing and French kissing your spouse before moving your lips to their throat. Begin with soft kisses around the throat and collarbone, then progress to stronger and more forceful kisses. You can certainly continue to provide a hickey if your spouse seems to love it, but you should always check in with them first.
  • If you’ve avoided asking for permission because “hickey” isn’t the sexiest word to whisper into someone’s ear, you should now express that you’d like to leave a mark on your partner’s skin and see how they react.
  • Hickeys can be used on every skin type and any part of the body. They are most commonly observed around the neck. The skin in the crook of your elbow or on the inside of your thigh, on the other hand, is also enjoyable.
  • If you know your partner will be humiliated by a noticeable hickey, don’t put it in the center of the throat where everyone can see it; instead, ask them where they feel most at ease.
  • In case, your partner has long hair, go to the side or rear of the neck, or go to the collarbones, closer to the shoulder, so the skin is covered by a typical crew-neck T-shirt.
  • Place your lips on the skin with a tiny parting between them. Imagine making the letter “O” with your lips, then pressing them firmly against your partner’s skin to form a good seal without allowing air to escape. Instead of going into a harsh pucker, try to keep your mouth soft and inviting as you do so.
  • Grasp the skin. The trick is to suck hard enough to break the capillaries just beneath the skin while not causing too much discomfort to your companion. To leave a mark, you’ll need to suck for 20 to 30 seconds. Keep your teeth out of the way at all times. You don’t want them to pierce your partner’s skin unpleasantly. If your partner prefers, teeth can be used lightly to enhance the pleasure of the experience.
  • It’s time to put an end to the sucking. If 30 seconds of hickey-making is too much for you, try 10 seconds of kissing, followed by another 10 seconds in the same location, and so on.
  • Wait for the visible hickey to appear after a few minutes. You won’t be able to notice the hickey right away, just as when you acquire a bruise. After 5 or 10 minutes, it should appear, ranging in color from light pink to dark purple.

7 Facts about hickey

  1. There is no quick fix for hickeys.
    Apart from placing some ice on it, there isn’t much you can do to help it go away quickly. Your only option is to hide under scarves and collars.
  2. Love bites are common in those who are iron deficient.
    If your skin goes black and blue after doing something, you may be deficient in iron. This condition can be combated by including leafy green vegetables and seafood in your diet.
  3. They have the potential to trigger a stroke.
    Yes, that is possible. This isn’t a joke. After her partner sucked her neck forcefully, a woman in New Zealand suffered a stroke. It not only resulted in a stroke, but it also left her with a paralyzed arm!
  4. Oral herpes can also be caused by them.
    If you have sexual contact with someone who has oral herpes and they give you a hickey in the heat of the moment, your chances of catching oral herpes are pretty high.
  5. They have the potential to cause significant sex injuries.
    If you don’t take it easy on the nibbling, hickeys can result in serious sex injuries. It may appear that you’ve been subjected to forcible sex in which your body has been battered.
  6. The Kamasutra makes a special note of them.
    Love bites are referred to in the Kama Sutra as the ‘coral and the jewel,’ with the lip representing the coral and the teeth representing the jewel.
  7. Having hickeys in your dreams could indicate that you’re dealing with a poisonous relationship.
    According to psychological studies, dreaming about hickeys indicates a psychological problem, such as being tormented by a toxic relationship. It could also represent a conflict between your mind and your heart.

Are Hickey's Dangerous?

A variety of falsehoods and misleading cautions have been spread to discourage individuals from giving hickeys.

Usually, this stems from embarrassment or a wish to stop doing something like that. Some individuals find hickeys amusing, while others find them offensive, rude, and even unpleasant.

Even though hickeys are completely harmless, myths of health problems caused by these love bites may be based on legitimate worries.

Bruising and black blotches on your body, also known as erythema nodosum, can be a sign of a variety of illnesses, including:

  • tuberculosis
  • bacterial infection
  • fungal infection
  • sarcoidosis
  • inflammatory bowel disease
  • thrombocytopenia
  • cancer

Even though these illnesses have symptoms similar to hickeys, hickeys only appear after a specific action. They’d have to emerge on their own, idiopathically, and with other signs and symptoms.

How to hide love bites?

A hickey can’t be gotten rid of quickly. There are certain things you may do to lessen irritation, redness, and discoloration, but most hickeys take a week or two to dissipate.

Some ways of accelerating healing include:

  • For the first several days, use a cold compress.
  • Following the third day, apply a warm compress
  • Massage
  • Vitamins and topical ointments

Hickeys can be unsightly and even unsettling, but they are often harmless. They won’t give you cancer or any other terrible illness. Hickeys have been linked to blood clotting issues in the past, although these instances are extremely rare.

If you get a hickey and it makes you uncomfortable, talk to your spouse about how to avoid it happening again.

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