Health & Wellness

How To Be Mentally Strong: 12 Ways To Build A Powerful Mindset In Life



Have these kinds of questions ever struck your mind? How to be mentally strong? How to be emotionally strong? How to train your mind to become stronger than your feelings? How to stay strong in tough times?

Then let me give you some good news, you are already one step towards building an emotionally strong mindset.

There are 4C’s of emotional toughness.


Control refers to a person’s sense of self-worth and defines how in command of their life and surroundings they feel. It also defines their ability to control the expression of their emotions, which is quite significant. A mentally tough person with good control will usually “get on with it,” regardless of how they are feeling, and work through emotionally charged circumstances without appearing to be distracted or derailed. This ‘calm’ and upbeat attitude can also improve the mood of people around them.


Commitment refers to a person’s willingness to set goals and make measurable pledges that they will work hard to keep. A psychologically tough person with a high level of dedication can typically be counted on to set goals and aims and follow through on them. When most people think of resilience, they think of control and commitment combined, and they are both effective responses to adversity. But, unlike mental toughness, resilience is essentially a passive quality.


This metric measures how motivated and flexible you are. A high Challenge score indicates that you are motivated to accomplish your personal best and that you view difficulties, change, and adversity as opportunities rather than threats; you are also likely to be adaptable and flexible. If you score low on the Challenge scale, you may perceive change as a danger and avoid unusual or challenging situations for fear of failing.


This is how confident you are in your ability to be productive and capable; it is your self-confidence and belief in your power to influence others. To score high on the confidence scale, you must feel that you will accomplish tasks effectively and that you can deal with setbacks while maintaining a routine and even reinforcing your determination. To below on the totem pole

The American Psychology Association has suggested 10 ways to develop resilience that will ultimately lead to a powerful mindset. And then you can say “I use my mind to take decisions and not the heart”

Mental health is never particularly concerned with mental wellness. It affects all the eight dimensions of wellness that include mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, social, occupational, financial, and intellectual.

How to build emotionally strong mindsets

1. Connect the dots.

Our connections to family, friends, and community can help us to be more resilient. Healthy relationships with individuals who care about you and will listen to your difficulties can help us rediscover hope during challenging times. Similarly, aiding others in their moment of need can be quite beneficial to us and can strengthen our sense of resilience.

2. Do not regard crises as insurmountable obstacles.

We have no control over the external events that occur around us, but we do have power over how we respond to them. There will always be difficulties in life, but it’s crucial to see beyond whatever unpleasant position you’re in and know that things will change. As you deal with the challenging situation, pay attention to the subtle ways in which you may already be feeling better.

3. Accept that change is an inevitable element of life.

According to popular belief, the only constant in life changes. Certain ambitions may no longer be viable or attainable as a result of challenging circumstances. Accepting what you can’t alter frees you up to concentrate on the things you do have control over.

4. Make progress toward your objectives.

While it’s critical to set long-term, big-picture goals, it’s also critical to make sure they’re achievable. Creating tiny, concrete steps allows us to achieve our goals and to work toward them regularly, resulting in minor “wins” along the road. Every day, try to take one small step closer to your goal.

5. Take firm action.

Rather than avoiding difficulties and stresses and hoping they will go away on their own, attempt to take decisive action whenever possible.

6. Look for opportunities to learn more about yourself.

Tragedies can sometimes lead to significant personal growth and learning. Living through a traumatic experience can boost our self-esteem and feeling of self-worth, improve our bonds, and teach us a lot about ourselves. Many people who have faced adversity have expressed a deeper spirituality and greater respect for life.

7. Develop a good self-perception.

Working to improve your self-confidence can help you avoid problems and create resilience. When it comes to problem-solving and trusting your intuition, having a good picture of yourself is critical.

8. Keep everything in context.

When things are bad, keep in mind that things may be a lot worse; try not to exaggerate things. When dealing with tough or painful circumstances, it is beneficial to have a long-term perspective to cultivate resilience.

9. Keep a positive attitude.

We are less likely to find a solution when we focus on the bad aspects of a problem and remain scared. Maintain a cheerful, upbeat attitude and anticipate a positive conclusion rather than a negative one. Visualization is a technique that can be useful in this regard.

10. Make sure you look after yourself.

Self-care is an important method for developing resilience because it keeps your mind and body in good shape so you can deal with unpleasant situations when they happen. Taking care of yourself entails paying attention to your wants and feelings, as well as engaging in enjoyable and relaxing activities. Physical activity is also an excellent form of self-care.

11. Additional ways to make yourself emotionally strong

Commit to reducing your negative self-talk and increasing your positive self-talk. You may feel silly at first as you become your own cheerleader in your thoughts, but consider how amazing you’ll feel as you make stronger and stronger life decisions. Those similar choices will keep you on track to achieving your goal. Be aware that negative thoughts can creep in rapidly; when you catch them, simply acknowledge them as untrue (even if it means saying it out loud) and replace them with a positive one.

12. Make a list of the positive aspects of each challenge.

It’s all about perspective in life. You may transform your life by changing your outlook. Rather than griping and being upset or disappointed (indulging in negative self-talk) about any obstacles that may arise, strengthen your positive mental power by jotting down good features and lessons you may learn from them. Every day, do your best to find something to be grateful for.

If u feel your mental health needs more help, you should go to the following helplines:
1. For Indians: Therapize India
2. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): 1-800-950-6264,
3. Mental Health America Hotline: Text MHA to 741741.

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