Love & Relationship

First time sex talk: How to prepare yourself before having sex?

First-time physical relationship leads to first-time sex. Sex has always been a topic that not everybody is open to talking about yet. It is important to know what is a healthy Physical relationship and how to know if you are ready for your first-time sex.



First-time physical relationship leads to first-time sex.

Sex has always been a topic that not everybody is open to talking about yet. It is important to know what is a healthy Physical relationship and how to know if you are ready for your first-time sex.

”Sex first time is always looked forward to as something seen in movies or porn.”

But it is important to know that everyone’s first sex experience is always different.

For having Sex for the first time you should not always need to be married, you should be with the right person. And also it is very important to know that let it be First time intercourse or second time, consent is always important for both the people involved in it.

Sex the first time can never be written in a novel or seen somewhere. It is an experience that you can improve over some time.

The first sex experience depends upon your bond with your partner, your intimate connection with each other, and most importantly your trust.

Love is an ice cream sundae, with all the marvelous coverings. Sex is the cherry on top.

How to prepare yourself for first-time sex?

Things to know before sex:

Be ready

You should not believe anyone who tells you that you don’t need to prepare anything since it will all come to you spontaneously.

We could all use a little bit of forethought so that we are not caught off guard by any eventualities. Learn more about erogenous zones, sexually transmitted diseases, sexually active diseases, and sexual organs.

Next, check to see if you have everything you might require, such as condoms and lubricants. If you’re unsure of which will work best, pick a few different types at any drugstore.

If you’re afraid, get them online or bring a friend with you.

Discuss it

Discuss your choice with a responsible adult, such as an older sibling, a friend, or a doctor.

Although you may be confident in your choice right now, talking it through aloud can help you reach a deeper understanding.

It could make you feel a little uneasy and even prompt some questions you hadn’t considered before. That’s okay; it just means that after you figure out the answers and get over the obstacles, you’ll be even more prepared.

Recognize consent

Consent is crucial while having sex, whether it’s your first or final time or any time in between.

Don’t allow anyone to tell you otherwise; it must be verbal and fervent. Some people will attempt to minimize it or make jokes about it.

If at any time you feel unsafe, reconsider your choice. Make sure your partner recognizes and appreciates the fact that “no” means “no” and “stop” means “stop.”

Construct trust

You might believe that you and your lover will be together forever, or you might be aware that your sexual experience with them will only occur once.

However, knowing that you can trust this individual may make the experience much better and safer for you in terms of your physical and emotional health.

They only need to know one thing about your sexual history: when was the last time you had a sexually transmitted illness test, whether you ever tested positive for one, and whether you ever received treatment.

The same questions should be put to your partner as well. It’s entirely up to you if you want to let them know it’s your first time.

Enjoy your foreplay

Take your time with the foreplay even if you’re apprehensive and just want to get the first time over with.

Women can take a while to become excited, which causes the vagina to lubricate itself naturally.

If there is sufficient lubricant, your initial experience will go much more smoothly.

Without lubrication, you may feel discomfort and anguish, and because of friction, it may even result in minor cuts or vaginal tears.

Never attempt any stunts

If you’re particularly flexible and fit, sexual postures and tricks might even come naturally to you.

You might be inclined to try to amaze your spouse with them. But before you do it, you won’t know how it feels, therefore it’s safer to take things slowly when it comes to sex exploration.

The first time is never the best, but with practice, it improves without needing to take drastic measures.

Recall good hygiene

It’s a smart idea to trim your nails first. Before beginning, thoroughly wash your hands.

Even if you don’t ejaculate, always use a fresh condom during sexual activity. To lower the risk of urinary tract infections, women should urinate before and right after sex; hugging can wait for a minute.

After sexual contact, men should wait 15 minutes before urinating. Once you’re finished, wipe up any bodily fluids using a moist towel or tissue.

First Time Sex Precautions:

In addition to a list of things to accomplish, there are other things you should avoid. Here are a few examples.

– Never assume that your spouse desires sex. Ask for permission.

– Refrain from overthinking because it will make your anxiousness worse.

– Watch out for having too high of expectations, as these could lead to disappointment.

– Avoid attempting difficult postures only to please your partner or to increase your enjoyment. Keep it simple and sexy for first-time sex to succeed.

– Don’t ever support an orgasm. It’s just one aspect of the overall experience. If you keep waiting for a climax, you could miss out on a lot.

– Do not rely on contraceptives if you are a woman; instead, use protection

If you are indulging in any physical intimacy then this might be a treat for you- 9 ways to get rid of a hickey fast

Some suggestions for First-time sex positions

  • The missionary position
  • The over the top
  • From the advantage
  • The dragon place
  • The spoon position

”Sex is emotion in Motion”


1. Does everyone bleed for the first time?

Yes, but not always. After their first sexual encounter, some women bleed, while others do not. Both are very healthy. When a woman engages in penetrative sex for the first time, her hymen may stretch or tear, which may cause bleeding.

2. Is it normal to bleed the first time?

After their first sexual encounter, some women bleed, while others do not. Both are very healthy. When a woman engages in penetrative sex for the first time, her hymen may stretch or tear, which may cause bleeding. A tiny patch of skin called the hymen partially conceals the vaginal opening.

3. How painful can be first intercourse?

When having vaginal contact for the first time, some females report feeling pain. They could have so much hymenal tissue that opening it up for the first intercourse would hurt and possibly bleed. Girls who have thick hymenal tissue might get ready for first contact by gently stretching the area with their fingers.

4. What is the best time to have sex?

According to the survey results, having sex first thing in the morning is ideal “because our energy levels are at their peak and it releases endorphins into the body, which makes us feel wonderful all day.” Although the survey indicates that 7:30 am is the ideal time for sex, if you can’t get up that early because of your schedule, you can

5. Is it good to have sex daily?

Daily sex is very acceptable and good for your general health. Sex is the best method to keep your relationship active, engaging, and intimate, whether it’s for cardiovascular wellness or radiant skin.

6. What to do after sex?

• Clean up.
• You don’t have to leap out of bed and head straight for the shower.
• Don’t be a douche.
• Simplify cleanup.
• Clean Out Your Bladder.
• Take a sip of water.
• Dress Loosely and Fittingly.
• Hands-off, please.
• Wash your sex objects.

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