Health & Wellness

10 Reasons Why You Should Kiss More Often: Health Benefits Of Kissing



Who doesn’t like to kiss? A kiss is an expression of love. Kiss is the initial stage of intimacy. Kiss is medicine. Weird right? Well yes, kissing has its health benefits too.

But the kiss here I’m talking about is the smooch not kiss on cheeks or hand. Smooching benefits not only the relationship but also the physical and mental health of both the person.

10 Benefits of kiss

1. It increases your ‘feel-good’ hormones

By stimulating the pleasure regions of the brain, kisses benefit your brain to release a mix of hormones that leave you feeling oh so fantastic. These molecules include oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin, which are pleasurable and promote feelings of affection and bonding. It also reduces cortisol (the stress hormone).

2. It even helps to burn calories

Face muscles that we use while kissing burn the calories. Depending on how passionately you kiss, you can burn anywhere from 2 to 26 calories every minute. If you’re trying to lose weight, this isn’t the finest workout, but it sure beats sweating on the elliptical trainer!

3. It’s a reliable indicator of a love partner’s physical compatibility

It turns out that “The Shoop Shoop Song,” from 1964, was correct – it’s in his kiss! Kissing may help you judge the suitability of a possible spouse, according to a 2013 study. According to the women polled, a first kiss can make or break a woman’s attractiveness.

4. Kissing a love companion also increases your desire to have sex

Kissing a man causes sexual desire, which is frequently the driving factor behind a woman’s decision to have intercourse with him. Testosterone, a sex hormone involved in sexual desire, can also be present in saliva. High secretion of testosterone leads to longer and more passionately you kiss.

5. This may also aid in the relief of cramps

Increased blood flow and dilation of blood vessels can assist reduce cramps – a boost in feel-good chemicals and relief from period cramps? It might be worth it to get your smooch on while you’re having a difficult period.

6. Also, it helps to relieve headaches

Say goodbye to the “not tonight, honey, I have a headache” excuse. Headaches can be relieved by the dilation of blood vessels and lowering of blood pressure. Kiss benefits can also help you avoid headaches by reducing tension, which is a recognized headache.

7. As well as lowering allergic reactions

Hives and other indications of an allergic reaction related to pollen and domestic dust mites have been proven to be significantly relieved by kissing. Because stress exacerbates allergic reactions, the benefit of kiss is that the stress-relieving effect may also help to lessen allergic responses.

8. It can strengthen your immune system

By exposing you to fresh bacteria that enhance your immune system, swapping spit can boost your immunity. Kissing couples had the same microbiota in their saliva and on their tongues, according to a 2014 study.

9. Kiss reduces stress

Kissing, speaking of cortisol, lower cortisol levels and stress. Kissing and other forms of loving communication, such as hugging and saying “I love you,” have an impact on stress-related physiological processes.

10. It also helps to alleviate anxiousness

How well you handle stress and anxiety is part of stress management. There’s nothing like a kiss and a little affection to help you relax. Oxytocin reduces anxiety while also increasing relaxation and well-being.

Lip kiss side effects

Glandular fever: often known as the kissing disease, is a type of fever that affects the glands in the body. Glandular fever is the common name for viral infection by the Epstein-Barr virus called infectious mononucleosis. The virus transmits from saliva, and infection occurs when two people come into contact.

Warts: Warts in the mouth can be spread by kissing, especially if there are recent trauma regions.

Meningococcal illness: is a potentially fatal infection that causes meningitis, inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord (meninges), and septicemia. These passing of germs from person to person or by droplets. Only deep kissing appears to be a danger factor in kissing, according to studies.

Herpes infection: Epstein-Barr, varicella-zoster (chickenpox), and herpes simplex are all viruses that belong to the herpes family (causes cold sores). While kissing, the herpes simplex virus can be spread through direct touch. When blisters are growing, herpes is most easily spreading disease to others. Even after blisters heal completely, the virus might be shed’ (distributed to others) from the spot.

Tooth decay: The bacteria that cause tooth decay are not detected in newborns’ mouths. Infection in saliva can transmit by a kiss on the lips to colonize a baby’s mouth.

  • Prevention methods from side effects of kissing
  • If you or the other person is sick, you should avoid kissing.
  • If you or someone you know has a cold sore, warts, or ulcers, tiny bumps around the lips or in the mouth, avoid kissing them on the lips.
  • Keep your teeth in good shape.
  • If you have a cold, cough or sneeze into a hanky.
  • One should take vaccination after discussion with a doctor. Prevention of infectious diseases, such as chickenpox, hepatitis B, and meningococcal group C infections is vaccination.

Kissing can have a favorable impact on your emotional and physical well-being, regardless of who you’re kissing. Kissing makes both people feel better about themselves and can help build any relationship, so kiss regularly. It’s beneficial to your health!

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