Food & Recipes

7 amazing health benefits of jaggery you should know about



What is Jaggery?

Jaggery is made up of sugarCane juice. This is used as a sweetening agent in many recipe jaggeries. Contains plenty of nutrients texts of Ayurveda eulogize, sugar content in jaggery is Carbohydrates: 26 grams. Fiber: Less than 1 gram. Sugar: 24 grams. This delicious substance is gouda. Many health problems can be cured with the medicinal properties of jaggery and there are several benefits of eating jaggery. Let us know the home remedies to cure different health problems at home.

 Let us know 7 best health benefits of jaggery:

1. Cures a Common cold:

For Common cold take, mix one teaspoon of crushed jaggery with two teaspoons of beetle leaves juice. Add this mixture in ½ cup of warm water and sip slowly. Take it twice a day for a few days to cure a common cold. Jaggery nutrition is very famous and cures a common cold instantly. Many people ask is jaggery good for health, and the answer is yes, it fixes many health problems.

2. Cures Menstrual problems:

Menstrual problems are very distributing for every girl but, Consuming one small piece of jaggery daily on an empty stomach with a glass of water helps to cure heavy periods.

Jaggery can be used as an effective natural cure for many menstrual problems owing to its richness in nutrients. It is instrumental in providing relief from cramps. Jaggery leads to the release of endorphins which can help ease many PMS symptoms, like mood swings and relaxing for the body.

3. Get rid of migraine pain:

Get rid of migraine pain, grind one tea, a spoon of jaggery, ½, Sesame seeds, and one teaspoon. Milk to a fine paste. Apply this paste on the forehead to relieve migraine headaches; daily consumption of jaggery relieves headaches permanently.

4. Cures cough:

Jaggery is very powerful for cough relief; grind one teaspoon jaggery with two to three black Peppers. Keep this paste on your tongue and slowly suck it to get relief from coughing. Take it twice a day for fast relief.

5. Improves bone health:

Improves bone health. Jaggery improves bone health and strengthens bones and muscles. It gives relief of joint. Pains take a glass of warm milk. Add two teaspoons of grated jaggery to it, mix well and drink it daily; each morning, jaggery and Ginger for joint pains, mix one teaspoon, grated jaggery. And one teaspoon grated Ginger. Eat this mixture once a day for a few days to get rid of joint pains, jaggery is good for diabetes too.

6. It prevents respiratory problems:

Prevents respiratory problems, Jaggery keeps lungs and the entire respiratory system clean. It has anti-allergic compounds. Thus aiding in fighting respiratory problems. Like, bronchitis and asthma. In case of respiratory problems, the question arises of how much jaggery to eat every day. The answer is to add 2 tablespoons of black sesame seeds. Add one tablespoon of grated jaggery to mix well and eat this mixture once a day throughout the whole winter season. Regular consumption of jaggery can help prevent many respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, etc. Combining jaggery can help prevent sesame seeds can prove to be highly beneficial. Also, pineapple juice helps to get relief from respiratory problems.

7. Helps prevent anemia:

Cheers, anemia jaggery. It Flushes out the toxins and purifies the blood besides purification. It is also known to be a good remedy for anemia as it helps in improving the hemoglobin level. Eat 50 grams roasted chickpeas, China and 25 grams of jaggery to boost iron and folic acid levels in the body. Jaggery is a rich source of iron and thus helps in preventing anemia, in sugar vs jaggery, jaggery always wins! It helps maintain the average red blood cell levels in the blood. Jaggery is also known for providing instant energy to the body.


It is suggested to consume jaggery in moderate quantities and daily, as it provides a slightly higher amount of calories, almost up to 4 grams. With all these benefits to reap, one should be cautious of not consuming jaggery more than the level needed by the body for its proper functioning. The most common question among the public is can diabetics eat jaggery and to answer that “Yes, but in the limit, 1-2 spoons will be enough” as does jaggery contain sugar proves to be right somewhere!

Jaggery, with its many benefits, is an essential element found in Indian households as jaggery nutritional value is very high.

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