Food & Recipes
This Ancient Herb is Ayurveda’s Timeless Gift to Mankind

5 years agoon
KrishnendraDo you know about the most versatile and miraculous Indian herb to raise your immunity levels by 10x Well, this ancient perennial deciduous herb is gaining more mainstream attention than ever?
Rightly so…
The COVID-19 outbreak taught us more about taking care of our immunity as compared to years of motherly wisdom and scientific evidence combined.
Table of Contents
- 1 Giloy has Its Roots in the Timeless Epic of Ramayana
- 2
- 3 What Science Says About Giloy
- 4 Amazing Powerhouse of Antioxidants to Shield your Immunity
- 5 #1 Natural Cure For Chronic Fever
- 6 Your Grandma’s Top Secret to Ageless, blemish Free & Flawless Skin
- 7 Nature’s Natural Brain Tonic For Optimum Mental Health & Super Memory
- 8 Supercharge Your Sexual Health and Wellness
Your Immunity is everything.
It is your body’s defence mechanism against fatal diseases. The more you give your immunity a boost, the better your body’s self-healing process becomes.
This immortality herb known as Amritha in Sanskrit is a must-have weapon in building resistance against a host of medical conditions and infections.
Yes, you guessed it right
This Ayurvedic herb is none other than Giloy.
The immortality reference and the Sanskrit name were a giveaway.
Giloy has Its Roots in the Timeless Epic of Ramayana
Have you heard about its interesting origin story though?
Well, the power herb Giloy finds its source in the mythological epic Ramayana.
Our rich history tells us that Indira, the chief God sprinkled nectar on all the dead monkeys after Ravana was defeated in the war.
While monkeys found a new lease of life, Some Amrit drops spilled on the ground too.
Wherever the nectar drops fell, Giloy plant was born.
The Giloy plant finds its mention in old Ayurvedic texts like Charak and Sushruta. Its efficacy is well documented as a useful remedy for chronic fever, gut problems, skin allergies and respiratory troubles also.
Old texts go as far as establishing Giloy as a remedy for treating even leprosy.
Giloy or Guduchi by whatever name you call it invariably adds life to your days and wholesomeness to your health.
What Science Says About Giloy
Scientific research on Giloy testifies about its overall health benefits.
T Cordifolia as it is known in the scientific community has been found to bring amazing results for your overall well being besides the immunity boost of course. It is hailed for its anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-diabetic properties. It is also known as a useful aid to fight cancer.
Students hail it for its mood alleviating effects before exams.
Giloy’s utility and versatility are backed by more than 10000 years of Ayurveda and deep scientific study.
Amazing Powerhouse of Antioxidants to Shield your Immunity
Giloy restores vitality in your body and reverses the ageing process. This is because it is super rich in antioxidants.
That’s not all, the level of antioxidants in your is directly linked with rejuvenating your health on a cellular level.
More importantly, when the body produces more antioxidants in comparison to the free radicals in the body, it averts the negative effect that excess growth of free radicals has on your body.
Actually, excess growth of free radicals results in a number of terrifying health conditions including heart ailments, high sugar levels and high susceptibility to cancer.
There is more to it. Giloy is a unique Rasayana. Its utility doesn’t stop here.
Whether you have a fever, cold and cough, issues with digestion or even skin problems, Giloy can help to restore balance in each case.
#1 Natural Cure For Chronic Fever
An uncle of mine who lives in Uttarkashi brings homegrown Giloy for me whenever he visits us.
I can’t tell you how much he raves about Giloy vanishing his chronic fever within a couple of days.
He puts some leaves in boiled water, makes his own ayurvedic tonic from it and keeps telling everyone the secret behind his super health.
That’s not all, Giloy also helps him in managing his sugar levels.
Your Grandma’s Top Secret to Ageless, blemish Free & Flawless Skin
Giloy paste coupled with turmeric is your grandma’s perfect recipe to prevent skin allergies and inflammation & aid weight loss.
This is because Giloy accelerates your body’s healing mechanism by boosting the growth of phagocytic cells. Phagocytic cells are the same cells that regenerate the skin tissues helping them to heal faster.
Giloy works as an astringent. That means tighter skin tissues for healthy skin. Just one glass of Giloy juice every day can detoxify your body.
If you consult an ayurvedic doctor for a liver problem, it is very likely that the ayurvedic medicine prescribed to you will have elements of Giloy in it.
The reason is that Giloy is a natural detoxifier. It not only helps to purify the blood naturally, but it also helps in removing toxins from the body. Thus taking care of fatty liver issues.
A friend of mine has this weird habit, whenever he has a hangover, he drinks a glass of Giloy juice the next morning.
He believes having Giloy juice first thing in the morning takes care of his liver health. Quitting his drinking habit altogether will also help 🙂
Nature’s Natural Brain Tonic For Optimum Mental Health & Super Memory
The root of the Giloy plant is considered to have exhibited properties that help in curbing stress and anxiety. It is known to have a sedative effect on your mind. It means that your mind is more focused and calm.
The aqueous extract from the plant boosts cognition levels also. Studies conducted on rats prove that Giloy can avert brain degeneration and promote brain memory.
The next time you consider taking nootropics for your late-night slogs before an exam, or to boost your productivity at work, remember that there is a natural alternative available to you.
Supercharge Your Sexual Health and Wellness
In today’s stressful times, chronic fatigue has become quite common. In our hectic lifestyles, we are ignoring our sexual well-being.
Giloy is a herbal aphrodisiac just like this 5000 year old wonder herb Ashwagandha.
So it adds to your vitality and gives a boost to your libido helping you to tackle sexual health issues like impotence and premature ejaculation.
In our society where conversations around sexual health and wellness are difficult to have, it is all the more important to educate ourselves about the proper, natural, and effective supplements.
All in all…
Giloy is a potent allrounder ayurvedic herb which takes your overall health and wellness to an optimum level of awesomeness.
However, You have to take care of your nutrition, exercise, and sound sleep at all times to experience your peak health.
It not only raises your immunity but also adds longevity to your life.
One of the most important things the corona outbreak taught us is that taking care of our immunity is our responsibility which we can’t overlook at any cost.
These are some tell-all signs that must alert you about poor immunity. So if you notice any red flags you must know this before buying the next expensive stack of multivitamins and health tonics.
While the market seems flooded with products that make promises of giving you an elixir that may make you immune to a superhuman level.
Sticking to tried and tested age-old ayurvedic wisdom works like the charm of an evergreen Kishore Kumar song.
It is high time all of us make a conscious choice to adopt healthy eating and commit to wholesome living.
Adding Giloy to your diet or making your own recipe out of it can serve an abundant dose of health.