Health & Wellness

Get Rid Of Dry Nose: 6 Effective Remedy For Relief



Cold or the allergic season leaves many people with a trademark common symptom leaving a dry nose. Other than many causes of dry nose mostly include infections, or maybe nutritional deficiencies, and chronic atrophic rhinitis, with a longstanding nasal inflammation mainly due to an unknown cause.

A dry nose can also be sometimes a common symptom of some of the certain medications, mostly like antihistamines and also decongestants that are basically used for common colds or common allergies.

While a dry nose is very itchy and uncomfortable, many of the remedies for treating up a dry nose of yours can be even purchased in-store or online, or even can be treated with the products you already have available in your home.

Here are six of the effective home remedies:

1. Use of Petroleum jelly

By just using your fingers in order to apply a quite small dab of petroleum jelly into the inner lining of your dried nose. Not only is it a remedy good for keeping up your nose perfectly moisturized, but it’s also is for safely handled by your stomach as well in small amounts. Lip balm may work as well. Always try not to get up this method too frequently or maybe for prolonged periods, and also remember to avoid this applying too much at a time. In many of the rare cases it can also make out its way into the trachea and also lungs and that leads to significant lung problems. If you may have a pre-existing chronic lung problem, you may be required to speak to your family doctor before trying any of this at-home treatment.

2. Humidifier for better sleep

Sleeping up with a dry mist as a humidifier in your bedroom may be proven as a big help to increase all the humidity in your bedroom, which can provide an environment of relief to your dry nasal passages. Place up the humidifier always in the centre of the room for a better experience. Here’s a tip one should follow is that Don’t point it at any of the furniture because the excess moisture can even promote mild growth and even end up damaging wooden surfaces.

3. Nasal sprays can be helpful

Nasal sprays can be rather used to wet the nasal passages.  Saline nasal sprays can be proven to help in moisturizing your nose while you also cleaning them out any kind out dust, dirt, and even pollen. They may also be as help to relieve out the congestion.

4. Damp up the wipes

Moistening up the facial tissues with the water being using as a spray bottle, and the wipe along with the lining of your dry nostrils. This can be proven to help you with preventing dryness and also irritation. You can also use the baby wipes if they are available at your home, which is basically designed for cleaning out the sensitive areas without any causing over-dryness.

5. Steaming or sauna therapy

A mostly common homely facial treatment with steams can also help you relieve out a dry nose. You can even process this by hanging your head over a sink or a vessel full of hot water, but the effects you would get of with the steam won’t be lasting for long thus, you need to process this method twice or thrice a day.

6. Take in more of the fluids

Besides using these moisturizers in the air, always make sure that you help out with your body as well from the inside all by staying hydrated. Drinking plenty of fluids thrice and more than that like water or tea especially if you are suffering from a dry nose during a common cold will help to moisturize your nose naturally from the inside out.

Click here to read about the top 10 foods to fight seasonal flu

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