Food & Recipes

10 Foods That Can Lower Testosterone Levels In Women?



Generally, testosterone is regarded as a male hormone as it plays a key function in males once they hit puberty. The functions performed by testosterone are:

  • Development of testes
  • Development of prostate gland.
  • Promoting sexual characters.
  • Increased muscle and bone mass
  • Growth of hair.

Normal Testosterone levels in men:

Age             Average level testosterone (ng/dl) Lower end (ng/dl) Higher-end (ng/dl)
55-59 547 319 866
50-54 518 289 836
45-49 527 329 846
40-44 597 319 936
35-39 567 329 945
30-34 597 388 75
24-29 637 388 1005
<24 697 408 956

Estrogen is also present in the female body. It is produced by androgen in females. Testosterone is combined with estrogen in the female body and executes the following function:

  •  the growth
  •  Maintenance
  •  repair of a woman’s reproductive tissues
  •  bone mass
  •  Human behavior,

Normal testosterone levels in females:

Age Average testosterone levels  (ng/dl)
10-11 <7-44
12-16 <7-75
15-18 20-75
19+ 8-60

This is the difference between the testosterone level in the male and female bodies. What will happen if the testosterone levels in the female body increase?

Effects of the high level of testosterone in the female body are:

Pic Courtesy: Skinkraft

  • Frontal balding
  • Acne
  • an enlarged clitoris
  • increased muscle mass
  • deepening of voice
  • Infertility
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Age Testosterone range (ng/dl)
10-11 <7-130
12-13 <7-800
14 <7-1200
15-16 100-1200
17-18 300-1200
19+ 240-940

Now you can compare from the above-given table the difference in the range of male and female average levels of testosterone and the difference between a normal level of testosterone in females and high levels of testosterone in females. You must be wondering what are the causes of higher testosterone levels in females.

Causes of higher levels of testosterone in females:

  1. Hirsutism is a physiological condition that causes undesired hair to grow on the back, face, and chest in women. The amount of body hair development is mostly determined by heredity, although an excess of androgen hormones is the primary cause of this disorder.
  2. Another hormonal condition induced by an overabundance of androgen hormones in women is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is characterized by irregular or prolonged periods, undesirable body hair development, and enlarged ovaries that may or may not function normally. Other frequent PCOS problems include:
  • infertility
  • miscarriage
  • type 2 diabetes
  • obesity
  • endometrial cancer
  1. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a condition that affects the adrenal glands and the body’s hormone production. The body overproduces androgen in many cases of CAH.

The following are some of the most common symptoms of this illness in women:

  • manly traits of infertility
  • severe acne
  • the emergence of pubic hair

Are you female suffering from the above-mentioned conditions? Then you must be wondering how to reduce testosterone levels in females?

If yes then you should probably know the food inhibiting testosterone levels in your body.

Food that decreases testosterone levels in the female body:

1. Mint:

Yes, you heard it right. Mint is a herb that shows effective results in lowering testosterone naturally in the female body. Studies have shown that for 42 women, regular use of spearmint herbal tea for 30 days resulted in a significant drop in testosterone levels. In a similar study, rats were given spearmint essential oil for 20 days and their testosterone levels were found to be lower.

Spearmint and peppermint, two plants from the mint family, have been found to influence testosterone levels directly.

2. The root of licorice:

Licorice root is a sweetening agent typically found in candies and beverages. It’s also a well-known natural cure in holistic medicine, where it’s commonly used to treat everything from chronic pain to chronic coughing Several studies have recently discovered that licorice can affect hormone levels, potentially leading to a decrease in testosterone over time.

Another small study found licorice lowering testosterone in women, with 3.5 grams of licorice per day lowering testosterone levels by 32% after just one menstrual cycle. But this dosage differs in the male by 7grams per day to decrease testosterone levels by 26% in 1 week.


Eating foodstuffs containing licorice as a sweetener cannot give you the effect of lowering testosterone. One should consume licorice roots to gain their benefits

3. Soya:

Food that reduces testosterone also contains soya and soya-based products but produced mixed results, implying that soy-based diets may not have much of an impact as isolated soy components. Phytoestrogens, which are organic chemicals that mimic the actions of estrogen in the body by modifying testosterone levels and potentially lowering testosterone, are abundant in soy diets. Though human studies are scarce, one rat study found that eating phytoestrogens reduced testosterone levels and prostate density considerably.

4. flaxseeds:

Omega 3 rich component flax seeds also show anti-testosterone food properties. A case study found that daily flaxseed supplementation reduced testosterone levels in a 31-year-old woman with polycystic ovary syndrome, a disorder marked by elevated male hormones. To better understand the effects of flaxseed on testosterone levels, more large-scale studies are needed.

5. Processed Food:

Foods that contain extra preservatives, high oil, high sugar that certainly contains more trans fats are linked with reducing testosterone levels in the human body. But this is not a suggested option as it is not healthy. It has many side effects like heart diseases, stroke, type two diabetes, inflammation and also reduces sperm count by 18% in the male body.

6. Alcohol:

People consuming high levels of alcohol have been observed to have decreased levels of testosterone. Also, alcohol is not one of the recommended options as it also has many side effects like liver damage and diabetes. Also, it has not yet been proved that alcohol consumption is directly linked with lowering testosterone levels.

7. Nuts:

Nuts are high in fiber, heart-healthy fats, and minerals including folic acid, selenium, and magnesium, among other components.

Furthermore, some research suggests that some nuts may decrease testosterone levels.

Walnuts and almonds boosted levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) by 12.5 percent and 16 percent, respectively, in a short trial of 31 women with polycystic ovarian syndrome.

8. Vegetable oil:

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are abundant in many common vegetable oils, including canola, soybean, corn, and cottonseed oil. These fatty acids are normally thought of as a good source of dietary fat, however, multiple studies have shown that they may decrease testosterone levels.

9. Fish

Omega-3 has been shown to have a beneficial effect on androgen levels in PCOS patients. For eight weeks, 78 women with PCOS were given either omega-3 (3 grams per day) or a placebo in a research published in the Iran Journal of Reproductive Medicine. There was no omega-3.5 in the placebo. When compared to the placebo group, the omega-3 group had significantly lower testosterone levels. Menstrual cycles were more regular in the omega-3 group after the experiment than in the placebo group (47.2 percent vs. 22.9 percent). Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in fish, particularly cold-water fish. Salmon, tuna, and trout are all high in omega-3 fatty acids.

10. Red Reishi Mushrooms

(Reishi Mushrooms )Red Reishi is a Japanese mushroom with a long list of health claims. Reishi mushrooms inhibited testosterone more than other mushroom varieties in a study that looked at the effects of 20 different types of mushrooms. 5-alpha-reductase levels were also lowered by reishi mushrooms. The body’s ability to convert testosterone into DHT is reduced when this enzyme’s levels are low. DHT is a very strong androgen. Skin disorders like acne and balding can be exacerbated by high DHT levels. 8

Provided list is beneficial for lowering the testosterone levels in the female body. Choose the wise option and take care of your health.

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