Love & Relationship

How Not To Freak Out When You Are Dating Someone With PCOS



Dating is a part of your life where you share everything with that person. But what if your girlfriend tells you that she’s suffering from PCOS. If you are dating someone with PCOS you should know that she is going to have a terrible PCOS mood swing, she may doubt your love, she may doubt her love but this is all because she has a hormonal imbalance that is affecting her mood. Dating someone with PCOS won’t be much difficult if you know how to deal with them.

What is PCOS?

PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a hormonal disorder that affects a large number of women who are of reproductive age. PCOS is a characteristic where females experience irregular or long menstrual periods, as well as high levels of the male hormone androgen. The ovaries may create a significant number of little fluid-filled sacs (follicles) yet fail to release eggs regularly.

Do you have a question like how to deal with PCOS then you should first understand what your girlfriend is suffering from after being diagnosed with PCOS?

What women with PCOS suffer:

  • Periods that are irregular and delayed, or no periods at all, due to a lack of ovulation.
  • PCOS emotional symptoms include lack of ability to become pregnant, overthinking, etc.
  • Increased levels of male hormones produce excessive facial hair (hirsutism), acne, and thinning scalp hair.
  • An ultrasound revealed multiple tiny cysts on the ovaries.
  • Obesity (overweight) is due to a poor diet and a lack of physical activity.
  • Periods that are long, painful with more uncomfortable symptoms like period cramps.
  • Diabetes, gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy), heart disease, high blood pressure, excessive cholesterol, and stroke are all metabolic disorders.
  • Uterine cancer is a type of cancer that affects the uterus.
  • Anxiety and depression.

Dating someone with PCOS can be difficult to communicate about but if you want to keep the relationship healthy, you need to have good communication and you will get to deal with PCOS-relationship issues more easily.

Women with PCOS are less satisfied with their sexual lives, according to several studies. Hirsutism and obesity, in particular, tend to make women feel less sexual. According to other studies, this affects relationships as well.

It’s critical to speak with your doctor if you think PCOS is harming your sexual life or relationship. These challenges can be lower with the correct support, allowing you to enjoy a more fulfilling sexual connection.

PCOS Solutions

Women with PCOS can receive a variety of treatments depending on how severe their symptoms are and whether they wish to become pregnant or not.

Regular exercise and a balanced diet, as well as regular doctor appointments, are necessary for her to maintain a healthy weight. During her annual check-up, she should test for blood glucose (for diabetes), blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. The key to treating and preventing these issues is to intervene sooner rather than later.
She should also visit her gynecologist once a year (or as her doctor suggests) to ensure that she has a regular cycle (or at least four periods each year).

During a regular menstrual cycle, hormones such as estrogen cause the endometrium to multiply and thicken. The lining is not shed when ovulation does not occur (which is common in PCOS), and it is exposed to considerably higher levels of estrogen. This can promote endometrial thickening and predispose a woman to endometrial (uterine) cancer over time.

How to handle PCOS relationship issues?

If your girlfriend has been diagnosed with PCOS, she may feel discouraged. But the journey is much more doable with a supportive companion. Because the symptoms of the condition might be irritating, she will need your help. Make sure you have a support system in place.

Try to focus on the “silver linings” of your partner’s situation as much as possible. Coping with a chronic illness is difficult, but it can also cause couples to communicate more deeply than those who are not faced with similar issues. Take a minute to consider how to talk to your partner about PCOS now that you’ve learned some of the basics of PCOS.

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