Love & Relationship

10 Signs That Help You Define A Controlling Boyfriend & Controlling Relationship



An intimate relationship is an interpersonal relationship that involves physical or emotional intimacy. This is the complete meaning of a relationship.

The relationship of a couple is strongest when the emotional and sexual aspects of the relationship are balanced.

Too much or too little of any of the two aspects of a relationship can cause some kind of discomfort in the relationship. Both people should feel equally safe, calm, respected, and considered in a relationship.

Many times, even today, it seems that the guy, meaning the male in a relationship, tries to be superior in the relationship. This is mostly termed a “bossy boyfriend” or “a controlling boyfriend.”

Even today, it’s seen that the male ego is dominating, and girls in this kind of relationship should understand that in today’s generation, no one has the right to control anyone. Everyone has their independence. This is the 75th year of independence. our country is celebrating also with which everyone has been given equal rights in the constitution.

Are you confused with questions like “is my boyfriend controlling?” Or looking for signs of a controlling boyfriend? Then you are in the right place.

10 controlling boyfriend signs.

1. You are kept away from your friends and family

Whom to meet and whom not to should be completely on your lookout. No one has the right to tell you about it.

But if your boyfriend is trying to control who you meet and even keeps you isolated from your friends and family, not once or twice, but repeatedly, if you’re not allowed to talk to them on the phone, then your boyfriend is controlling you for sure. But this may not be the one sign solely you should judge him.

2. Criticizing every little thing

“You are overdoing the bed these days.” “The coffee is too sweet.” “Your lipstick color was too dark; now it’s too light.” “Your saree doesn’t match you.” Are you someone who listens to criticism on every point and everything? Then, bro! This is a sign that he thinks he owns you. You should think twice about this relationship.

3. He keeps the score

“You did this many times. I’ve spared you, but not today”. “Did this” can be anything, from your smallest mistake to your biggest mistake. And if he tries to make you feel you owe him something, that is a controlling man’s warning sign.

4. He thinks he’s always right

You are in a conversation. You correct him as this comes outside your expertise. Still, he shows how right he is and how you can be wrong. This is a sign of a bossy boyfriend. You have the right to speech. And if you are not getting it, you should think about it. He won’t make sure to keep his word right. However, he has little knowledge about the topic, just to keep his dominance over you.

5. He treats you more like a child than an equal

I agree, there might be a healthy age gap between you both. But at least you are at the age where you can decide with whom to stay and live your whole life. But even when he shows superiority and doesn’t consider your opinion, you should know that you are dating a controlling man.

6. You are hiding things from him out of fear

Communication is the basis of a relationship. If you lack communication skills, then there is nothing left. Once hiding and lies enter a relationship, the love fades and the relationship starts to die. If you start fearing thinking that you will lose him or that he will take harsh action if he comes to know about it, then he’s controlling you.

7. You apologize every time

Do you find yourself saying “sorry” a lot, even when you’re not sure what you did wrong?

The “control freak boyfriend” item is checked. Because that’s how they keep control, someone who wants to have all the power in a relationship will frequently blame you for their flaws, making you feel like you’re the one who’s overly critical, not dedicated to the relationship, or even a lousy girlfriend.

8. You don’t have many people to talk to

An obsessive, controlling boyfriend will never allow you to surround yourself with people. He will have a fear of losing control over you by hearing other people’s thoughts or you might realize your worth.

So, you will always be kept with a minimum of people because he knows that they will not change your mind and will keep you under his control no matter what.

9. His love will come with conditions

If you ever try to question him, “Do you even love me?” The things a controlling boyfriend will say over this are, “If you want me to love you like earlier, do this…” Or “I will love you only if…”

These conditions can make you feel you are not giving him what he wants, and you will feel like you are lacking somewhere. But the thing is, you are dating a controlling man, and this is one of the traits of a controlling boyfriend and toxic relationship.

10. You have zero privacy

He wants the passwords of your phone, bank accounts, social media handles, even whom you are talking to, where you are going, etc. Each and everything he will ask you for, which might even be something your parents have never asked for. In some cases, spying is also experienced by people with controlling boyfriends.

All the above are also relationship red flag signs that you should not ignore and hope it goes away on its own. Any one of these indications by itself is unlikely to indicate that you’re in a dominating relationship, especially if it happened only once.

Perhaps your partner had a weak moment and viewed an email you had left on the screen. Take action before the conduct becomes abusive if several of these symptoms add up to a larger dominating pattern.

It is possible to break free from a controlling boyfriend. You may require a safety plan depending on your circumstances, and it is a good idea to have one just in case. Your safety is paramount, and no matter what anyone says, control is not the same as love.

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