Health & Wellness

Chakrasana Benefits: 10 Benefits Of Wheel Pose With Steps To Keep Rolling

The actual Sanskrit translation of Urdhva Dhanurasana, also known as Chakrasana, is “upward-facing bow,” Wheel Pose is a common name for the pose.



The actual Sanskrit translation of Urdhva Dhanurasana, also known as Chakrasana, is “upward-facing bow,” Wheel Pose is a common name for the pose.

Yoga wheel pose: Although Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana) is regarded as a beginner’s backbend, obtaining it still requires developing strength and flexibility. It alters the typical posture of modern sitting by opening the chest, shoulders, and hips.

Chakrasana Steps

  1. Spread your feet widely while you lay on your back; then, bend your knees and plant your feet close to your body.
  2. Now position your palms such that the fingers point in the direction of your shoulders and your elbows are at shoulder width apart.
  3. Inhale and firmly plant your palms on the ground.
  4. Lift your shoulders and forcefully press your elbow into the ground.
  5. Your feet should be firmly planted on the ground.
  6. As you inhale, raise your hips.
  7. Rolling the spine up will make it appear as if it is a semi-circular arch or wheel.
  8. To allow the hips and chest to be raised, extend your arms and legs as straight as you can.
  9. For at least 15 to 30 seconds, maintain this position.
  10. Bend your elbows to bring your head and shoulders to the floor to return to the initial position.
  11. After that, relax by bringing your hips and spine back to the ground while bending your knees.

Photo Credit: @MelissaMetrano

Chakrasana For Beginners:

Here are some beginner-friendly adjustments to Chakrasana

Support your hands or feet on a few yoga blocks while you perform the Chakrasana modified yoga pose. Be sure to brace the blocks against the wall.

The following poses naturally lead into Chakrasana if you wish to intensify your practice:

  • One leg is raised off the floor in Eka Pada Chakrasana, also referred to as the one-legged wheel pose. Your strength and balance will improve by performing Chakrasana on one leg.
  • Eka Hasta Chakrasana: Also referred to as one-armed wheel pose or one-hand wheel pose, this variation of the yoga pose Chakrasana requires you to raise one hand and place it on your chest or the other shoulder. Only persons with higher levels of flexibility should try this variation.

What are the benefits of chakrasana?

1. Chakrasana aids in managing diabetes:

Reducing sugar intake, managing stress, and enhancing metabolism are a few methods for managing diabetes.

You gain from chakrasana in all these ways, which will make it easier for you to manage your diabetes.

Chakrasana and other backbend poses, according to research, may help lower hemoglobin A1c levels, which is beneficial for managing diabetes.

2. Enhances adaptability:

The advantages of Chakrasana aid in increasing flexibility, just like the majority of yoga poses.

This yoga pose, however, focuses more on your spine and abdomen, which encourages your spine to become more flexible.

According to studies, backward bend poses help increase spine flexibility even in the older age group in a reasonably safe manner.

3. Wheel pose boosts strength:

Yoga’s Chakrasana posture targets several muscles and body regions.

Your arm and legs are subjected to pressure, and your muscles and core are stretched.

Your arms and legs will tone up as a result of the pressure. Everything mentioned here enhances your overall strength.

4. Back Pain Relief:

Chakrasana yoga benefits help your back in several different ways. The first is that it expands your spine, which eases pain by reducing localized stiffness.

Additionally, it helps prevent back discomfort by strengthening the muscles in your back. In addition, it enhances blood flow throughout the body, which is excellent for general pain alleviation.

5. Promotes Weight Loss:

Because chakrasana strengthens your core and abdominal muscles, which tones and tightens this area, it aids in weight loss. Your reproductive and digestive systems are both strengthened by it.

This helps reduce body fat, especially around the abdomen.

6. Chakrasana’s Aging Benefits:

Everyone likes to appear young and vibrant.

Nobody wants the world to see their aging symptoms. Chakrasana practice regularly may help slow down the aging process and make you seem young.

7. Benefits of Chakrasana for the Chest:

Chakrasana’s backbend may aid in enlarging the chest area.

It facilitates chest muscular stretching. It might also aid in giving it a broad appearance.

Additionally, it might aid in easing chest stiffness in the small joints and bones.

8. Chakrasana benefits for lower back pain:

Chakrasana’s wheel pose, which involves bending backward, may benefit all 33 vertebral bones.

It might support the spine’s suppleness and strength. According to studies, Chakrasana may help people with lower back pain by enhancing the spine’s ability to function.

9. Chakrasana has advantages for waistline:

Everyone aspires to have a slim waist. Chakrasana is a must-try if you want to appear slim.

Chakrasana is said to stretch every abdominal muscle and may help to reduce waist circumference.

10. Benefits of chakrasana on the neurological system and brain:

The nervous system might also benefit from chakrasana practice. The autonomic nervous system, which is the body’s network of nerves that regulates involuntary biological functions like digestion, respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure, is a division of the nervous system.

The parasympathetic nervous system, a complex network of nerves that assists in calming the body after stressful or dangerous circumstances, is the other component.

The chakrasana promotes effective communication between the two components of the nervous system.

Chakrasana has other advantages, including:

  1. The potential to lengthen the big and small intestines.
  2. The knees may benefit from it.
  3. It might aid with shoulder and arm strength.

What are some safe Chakrasana techniques?

  • Chakrasana is only one of the yoga asanas, yet this is not sufficient. You must keep these things in mind to profit from Chakrasana.
  • Chakrasana for beginners needs to be performed under the guidance of a skilled yoga instructor. For this, you might enroll in online yoga sessions. Thus, accidents are avoided.
  • Never push yourself too far.
  • Never begin practicing Chakrasana if you have a specific medical condition without first consulting your doctor.

Contraindications to Chakrasana:

  • If you have a back issue, avoid doing this yoga pose.
  • Don’t attempt this if you have cardiac problems, diarrhea, carpal tunnel, and a headache
  • Blood pressure may be high or low.
  • Avoid doing this if you have any spinal or cardiac issues.
  • Avoid if you have a hernia.

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