Health & Wellness
9 Benefits Of Doing Surya Namaskar Everyday
Sunrise marks the beginning of each day for all living things since without the sun, there would be no life on earth. In fact, the Sun is revered as a deity in a number of cultures under the names Mithras in Persia, Apollo in Greece, Osiris in Egypt, Surya in ancient India, and so on.

2 years agoon
KrishnendraSunrise marks the beginning of each day for all living things since without the sun, there would be no life on earth. In fact, the Sun is revered as a deity in a number of cultures under the names Mithras in Persia, Apollo in Greece, Osiris in Egypt, Surya in ancient India, and so on. Sage Agastya counseled Lord Sri Rama in the Ramayana to worship the sun deity by reciting Aditya Hridayam in order to triumph over the demon king Ravana.
The Yuddha Kanda of the Ramayana has these passages, which show the sun god in all of his numerous names and forms while extolling his glory and his 12 forms (which correspond to the shapes of the 12 months of the year).
The sun is thought to be the ultimate power that is apparent to the sight, or “Pratyaksha Swarupa,” is thought to stand for “truth,” “a manifestation of wisdom,” and “the provider of intellect and fortune.”
Table of Contents
- 1 10 benefits of Surya namaskar
- 1.1 1. Improved Blood Circulation:
- 1.2 2. Improves the digestive system’s performance:
- 1.3 3. Benefits Of Surya Namaskar for Weight Loss:
- 1.4 4. Aids in Detox:
- 1.5 5. Optimal Lower Body:
- 1.6 6. Beautiful Skin and Hair:
- 1.7 7. Body Relaxation:
- 1.8 8. Works On the Heart:
- 1.9 9. Surya namaskar benefits Heart and Blood Pressure Issues:
- 2 Yoga Poses
- 2.1 1. Prayer Pose, or Pranamasana
- 2.2 2. Pose with Raised Arms, Hasta Uttanasana
- 2.3 3. Pada Hastasana, the Forward Bending Standing Pose
- 2.4 4. Lunge Pose: Ashwa Sanchalanasana from Padahastasana, transition into the lunge pose.
- 2.5 5. Plank Pose, Dandasana
- 2.6 6. Eight-limbed pose or Astanga Namaskara
- 2.7 7. Cobra Pose, Bhujangasana This pose:
- 2.8 8. Downward Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana) Transition from the previous pose to this one by:
- 3 FAQ's
10 benefits of Surya namaskar
1. Improved Blood Circulation:
The dynamic motion of inhaling and exhaling during the Surya Namaskar cycle keeps the lungs and blood oxygenated. The healthy circulation of new blood throughout the body is a great way to rid the body of carbon dioxide and toxic chemicals.
2. Improves the digestive system’s performance:
By increasing blood flow to the stomach-related tract, Surya Namaskar enhances the efficiency of your digestive system by enabling the digestive organs to perform more effectively.
In order to remove trapped gases from your system, the forward bend posture helps to increase the volume in your abdomen.
3. Benefits Of Surya Namaskar for Weight Loss:
Regularly performing the Surya Namaskar Series at a quick pace will strengthen your muscles and aid in belly fat reduction. The asanas tone the abs while strengthening the musculoskeletal system.
4. Aids in Detox:
Due to the active breathing and exhalation process, the lungs are fully ventilated and the blood is oxygenated. By eliminating carbon dioxide and other harmful gases, this also helps the body detoxify.
5. Optimal Lower Body:
The first and final positions of the Surya Namaskar strengthen the lower body and are known as pranamasanas (petition present). The reinforcement of the legs, lower legs, and feet is successful.
The position supports flat feet by strengthening the hips and relieving sciatica.
The Surya Namaskar connects the right and left hemispheres of the brain, which is one of the most significant scientific advantages of exercise.
6. Beautiful Skin and Hair:
Surya Namaskar is a yoga asana combination that enhances blood and oxygen flow, giving you a youthful glow and a long, healthy mane even as you become older.
Surya namaskar encourages blood circulation, which aids in reviving your face’s natural glow, prevents wrinkles, and makes your skin appear younger and more vibrant.
7. Body Relaxation:
When done correctly, yoga poses have a calming effect on the brain. Conversely, Surya Namaskar postures like downward dog and cobra pose gently stimulate the nervous system, ease anxiety, and strengthen it, all of which support positivity.
8. Works On the Heart:
In the context of yoga for heart, the position of prayer involves joining the hands in front of the heart.
According to yogic principles, practicing this mudra with focused concentration can help to open the lotus heart and stimulate the heart chakra.
This can be a beneficial practice for enhancing the connection between the physical and spiritual aspects of the heart.
9. Surya namaskar benefits Heart and Blood Pressure Issues:
A natural method of lowering blood pressure is the Surya Namaskar. Surya Namaskar helps to correct abnormal heartbeats and strengthens the heart muscles. Blood sugar levels are kept under control by the technique, which helps to prevent heart issues.
Yoga Poses
1. Prayer Pose, or Pranamasana
- Maintaining a tight grip on both feet, stand at the mat’s edge. Both feet should support the same amount of the body weight.
- Maintain a straight back, relaxed shoulders, and hands by your sides as you read.
- When you exhale, bring your palms together in front of your chest and lift your hands up from the sides. Be in the position of prayer.
2. Pose with Raised Arms, Hasta Uttanasana
- Keep your back straight and posture upright.
- Now glance up while bending slightly backward, keeping your arms raised in the air, and straightening your spine.
- The feet should remain firmly planted on the ground while the body is balanced.
3. Pada Hastasana, the Forward Bending Standing Pose
- To touch your toes with your fingers, bend forward while keeping your knees either straight or slightly bent.
- In order to uniformly distribute the bodyweight, press the heels firmly into the ground.
- Bend your knees while maintaining your back straight if you are unable to touch your toes with your fingertips.
4. Lunge Pose: Ashwa Sanchalanasana from Padahastasana, transition into the lunge pose.
- Inhale while pushing the right leg back.
- Left knee should be 90 degrees bent and should touch the floor.
- The right knee ought to be in relation to the right chest.
- The neck should be cocked back and the hands should be on the ground.
- To uniformly distribute the weight, the body should be balanced on its toes.
5. Plank Pose, Dandasana
Step into the plank position after the previous pose.- Stretch the left leg back while taking a deep breath.
- Put your hands together and encircle your shoulders.
- Your body should remain horizontal.
6. Eight-limbed pose or Astanga Namaskara
- Kneel down on the floor as you exhale.
- Put your chin down while maintaining your hips up.
- Hips must be in the air while the hands, knees, chest, and chin are all on the ground.
7. Cobra Pose, Bhujangasana This pose:
- Legs and the midsection are on the ground.
- Palms should be placed close to the chest.
- Inhale deeply and lift your upper torso with your hands.
- A cobra with a raised hood should have the appearance of the head and trunk.
8. Downward Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana) Transition from the previous pose to this one by:
- putting the floor with the palms down and heels down
- Keeping the hips raised, form an inverted V with your body.
1. Does Surya namaskar benefits for ladies?
Anybody who cares about their health would know the importance of Surya namaskar and benefit from it. Some Sun Salutation positions will help you naturally maintain your shape while shedding additional belly fat. These positions encourage sluggish glands, such as the thyroid gland, to secrete more hormones. Surya Namaskar practise on a daily basis aid in childbirth and helps women control erratic menstruation cycles. Additionally, it promotes skin radiance and wrinkle prevention.
2. What is long term Surya namaskar benefits?
Surya Namaskar sometimes referred to as “The Ultimate Asana,” lowers blood sugar levels and improves your back and muscles. Additionally, it guarantees that women have regular menstrual cycles by enhancing blood circulation and metabolism, which results in bright skin.
3. How many Surya namaskar in a day?
Surya Namaskar is a potent mindfulness-enhancing exercise. It develops a stronger link between the body, breath, and consciousness with frequent practise through raising awareness. As a beginner, you can begin with 5 cycles per day and gradually increase that number to 11.