The reason this herb is so sought after is because of its innate properties that benefit men exclusively. As an adaptogen, Ashwagandha is a natural element that helps everyone’s bodies adapt to stress with its inherent balancing qualities. However, there are some benefits of ashwagandha that men find especially useful.
In herbal medicine, an adaptogen is an organic element that helps the human body adapt to stress which has an added benefit of wholistic balancing. Interestingly, Ashwagandha is also an adaptogen.
The calming effect of Ashwagandha comes from its properties that mimic the body’s natural Gamma Amino-Butyric Acid (GABA), which is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that lowers the neuron activity that keeps nerves from over-firing.
When stress levels rise, cortisol levels rise and that has a negative effect on your entire body. As this amazing herb works to lower neuron activity, the brain naturally relaxes and thereby reduces stress and anxiety.
We all know that our bodies heal the most efficiently when we are in a state of relaxation. So, it follows that Ashwagandha also contributes to good nerve health and regrowth to help maintain lower stress levels over time.
2. Boost Your Sexual Performance
One of the most obvious adverse effects of increasingly high blood pressure is that it inhibits blood flow in the arteries. Unfortunately for men, this might lead to restricted sexual performance.
One of the leading side effects of high blood pressure for men is impotency, which is the failure to get an erection or ejaculate. This is a direct result of blood not being able to circulate properly through the shaft. However, when you use Ashwagandha to balance cortisol and blood pressure levels, this enhances your blood flow to the shaft.
3. Balance Your Testosterone Levels
Studies show that testosterone levels decrease with age. In men, this is most noticeable in the loss of hair, lower muscle mass, and impotency. One of the causes that speed this decline along is living a high-stress life. Another path to testosterone deficiency (TD) is through emotional and physical disorders which can also be stress-related.
Not surprisingly, when stress levels are continually high the body slowly stops producing testosterone because producing cortisol essentially becomes the body’s top priority. This is an obvious imbalance that begs to correct.
As a bonus to balancing testosterone levels, Ashwagandha also increases sperm count. This is also indicative of the balancing effect it has on your entire system.
For example, in one 90-day study, men were divided into two control groups. For the control, one group was given Ashwagandha supplements while the other was given a placebo. Of the men treated with Ashwagandha root, their sperm counts had an increase of 167%! It’s easy to see why this is one of the most sought after benefits for men with fertility challenges.
5. Increase Your Endurance and Strength
Ashwagandha is also useful as a natural alternative for building strength and muscle mass. Additionally, many athletes use it for its ability to boost energy, lower body fat, and increase stamina. Because of these reasons, it’s grown in popularity to be a common ingredient in many herbal supplements.
Moreover, people find that personal motivation naturally increases along with balance. With its balancing effect, the use of this herb also eliminates energy slumps and crashes. Instead, you feel alert and find it easy to focus.
Ashwagandha’s anti-inflammatory properties, in combination with its anti-stressors, makes it the perfect herb to enhance sports performance with greater stamina for noticeable results. These are the top 5 benefits of Ashwagandha.