Food & Recipes

11 Food That Can Help You in Weight Loss



1) Eggs

Many people associate eggs with the problem of cholesterol, but new studies have shown that eggs do not adversely affect blood cholesterol and do not cause heart attacks.

Eggs are considered the best foods to lose weight. Eggs are high in protein, they contain healthy fats and even with fewer calories, you feel full. Almost every type of nutrient is found in eggs and during a calorie-restricted diet, you meet your needs for nutrition.

So you can make boiled eggs (both yellow and white) in breakfast as part of your weight loss diet.

2) Leafy Greens –  Cabbage, Spinach, Broccoli

Leafy vegetables have some qualities that make them perfect for a weight loss diet.

They have very low carbohydrates and calories but are rich in fiber. You can eat more of these vegetables without consuming more calories due to which you will not feel the need to eat more things and it will be easy to reduce obesity.

Leafy vegetables contain all kinds of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It has been found in some studies that the calcium present in them is very helpful in burning fat.

3) Salmon Fish

Salmon fish weight loss is a very good option if you take non-vegetarian foods.

These fish are very healthy. These are low in calories and if eaten once, one may need not have anything else for hours.

They contain high-quality protein, healthy fats, and all the necessary nutrients. Iodine is also abundant in them, which keeps the level of thyroid in the body correct, which keeps the metabolism right.

The consumption of oily fishes like mackerel (small sea fish), trout (a fish of the salmon family), sardines (sardine, small fish), herring (Hilsa fish), etc. is also very beneficial in reducing obesity. Tuna is also a rich source of protein, while it has very low calories, you can also make it part of your diet.

4) Boiled Potatoes

Yes, if potatoes are used properly they can become part of your weight loss program.

Many types of nutrients are found in potatoes, there is also a lot of potassium in them which is useful in controlling blood pressure.

Potato comes on top of the list of fulfilling foods. That is, after eating it you feel full and you eat less of the rest. Keep in mind that here it has been talked about boiled potatoes, french fries or chips are made from potatoes but they are the biggest enemy of those who wants weight loss.

5) Lentils and Kidney Beans

They are high in protein and fiber and some resistant starch is also found.
The fat in them is also very low and they can be made part of lunch or dinner for weight loss.

6) Cottage Cheese

Paneer cottage cheese You can make cow’s milk cheese at home. It is high in protein and fat and carbohydrate is very low. The calcium present in it is also helpful in the fat-burning process. If you want, you can reduce your calorie intake to a great extent by using salad and cheese during lunch.

7) Avocados /  Makhanphal (a tropical fruit of pear shape)

Avocado is a very different type of fruit. Where most fruits have high carbohydrates, healthy fats are more in this fruit. They contain monounsaturated oleic acid which is found in olive oil.

Many studies have found that avocado is one of the best ways to reduce weight and many other avocado benefits that you should know.

8) Nuts / Cashew-Almonds

Nuts have high-calorie content, but if we eat them in a controlled way, they can be helpful in weight loss.
They contain monounsaturated fats, which are considered very good for both the heart and mind. It feels full-on eating and reduces the mood of sweet food.

You can easily keep them together and eat them from time to time to calm your hunger. Eat one piece of cashew nuts or almonds at a time, and chew them a lot. You can reduce the quantity of food by eating nuts just before eating. Just take care that you do not eat more than 7-8 nuts in a day.

9) Chilli Pepper / Red Chili

Red chilli can be beneficial in a weight loss diet.

Some studies have found that an element named capsaicin is found in them, which is helpful in reducing hunger appetite and burning fat.
Keep in mind that if you have already used them in your food, then using them separately will not make much difference.

10) Fruit

The old saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!”

It is believed that those who consume fruits are healthier than those who do not consume them. The fruits are high in fiber and contain natural sugar, and are also beneficial in controlling appetite. Huh. Eating fruits like watermelon, guava, apple, orange, banana, pear, etc. is helpful in weight loss.

11) Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglyceride (MCT), lauric acid which metabolizes quite differently. The human body does not store the digested MCT as fat but instead sends it directly to the liver where MCTs are converted into energy.

You can use 2 to 3 teaspoons of coconut oil in your daily diet. If you smell it, then your energy level will be better the whole day. Coconut oil also increases your digestive capacity and absorbs nutrients quickly, so you do not feel weak throughout the day by eating less.

Along with this list, you have to keep in mind that dietary discipline is very important to lose weight. So if you are being told that you can reduce your weight by eating these things, then it is being assumed that first, you will eat these things in a reasonable amount, and secondly, when you eat them then on other food items Will also keep full control.

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